Vēlreiz par zanēm un žaņiem |
[Apr. 26th, 2013|07:54 pm] |
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pats macos par arodbiedrībām no tiem, kuri tur (kur es strādāju) jau strādaja - bet jā - vispār varu piekrist. Fermās bija tā: "we don't fucking like trade unions, do we?" fabrikās strādnieki sudzās par to, ka ipašnieks draudēja atlaist visus, kas taisījas tajās iestāties.
But, the moment of truth for me happened when I nearly lost my foot in an accident. They carried me in to an office while they were waiting for the ambulances (I had two) and the management told them to "get me out of there cos I was bleeding over the floor". Those workers (chicken factory) gave them such a volley of proud abuse, they changed my outlook for ever. Esmu ar viņiem. | |