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1/20/12 01:15 pm

Miegā pa prātu malās 'consciousness-as-wakefulness.. stimulation of the reticular formation increases wakefulness and destruction of it induces coma.. lesions of the raphe nuclei lead to insomnia.. sensory experience poses many puzzles..', lūk, to tad arī šorīt eksāmenā apcerēju. Tagad jāiet paskriet, lai izvēdinātu prātu, tad jāspēlē rūpjpilnu kopēju, jo māsa smagi saindējusies.

1/18/12 01:36 am

Nevaru normāli iemigt jau vairākas nedēļas, prāts skaidrs un mierīgs, varbūt tiešī tādēļ. Naktīs eju smēķēt ap stūri pie slimnīcas uzņemšanas - oh, the things I`ve seen.. bet tad ikdienas likstas nešķiet piesātinātas, nepārdzīvojamas un galīgas. Uzsildīju pienu ar kaut kādu maģisku miega dzērnienu - nelīdz, tagad vērsīšos pie upeņu balzāma - lūdzu, palīdzi man izcīnīt miegu.

1/17/12 10:01 pm

A metaphorical boner! - tikai tā es varu raksturot to prieka sajūtu, kāda rodas, kad lasu patiesi aizraujošu grāmatu, piemēram, šovakar no userinfopunkts  aizlienēto Rick Strassman - DMT:The Spirit Molecule.

Intervija ar DMT lietotāju:

'Yes. I'll be a guru after this morning. You know how everyone's quest is to find the meaning or the purpose of life? Well, it's to feel this way. Life doesn't cut it normally.'
'What do you mean?'
'Everything about life. It's not very empowering. You aren't tought to focus on yourself. To realize the strenght you have in yourself. Life throws you into victim role. I know that's a trite expression, but I think it's true. Things do happen when you're out of control with your life. These DMT experiences are like the height of meditation, accessing inner power and inner strenght. You know that question about "higher power or God"? Well, I'm uncomfortable with that idea because it implies outside, but I do contact something deeper and more inside...'


1/14/12 09:09 pm

Noskatījos DMT: The Spirit Molecule un Enter The Void - un jau kuro nakti sapņi tik psihodēliski/nomods gļukains.


1/14/12 05:42 pm - Act Two. The Good Son.

Originally aired 11.02.2007
A story about a mother who wants to commit suicide and a son who dutifully helps her do it—even though his mother is a happy, healthy, independent person. How did they manage to pull it off? Practice, practice, practice.

Edward: 'It was a strong, gut feeling on her part that this was terrible. She couldn't stand the thought of seeing people in hospitals with tubes coming out of them. And she was determined never to be in that environment if she could possibly help it. And she and my father-- but really at her initiation-- promised each other that they would help each other. That they would not let each other suffer in old age. And they bought the book, Final Exit, by Derek Humphrey, which talked about this. They were counting on each other.'
Ira Glass: 'And at some point she gets you involved in this, right?'
Edward: 'She got me most involved when my father died. What she asked me to do was to basically, to play the part that my father would have done for her. But he was dead. And I felt it was an obligation to do this for her.'

1/14/12 12:31 am

Ļoti pietrūkst sniega.

1/13/12 07:22 pm

Ar nepacietību gaidu Glenn D Wilson lekciju 'Mad, bad or sad?'

'Personality disorders are a contentious issue in psychiatry. How many are there and how reliable is their diagnosis? Are we just medicalising bad behaviour and social inadequacy. How should medical and criminal justice sectors divide responsibility?'

There's always something to look forward to.

1/13/12 04:33 pm

Šodien biju ieplānojusi pavisam mierpilnu piektdienu, ko pavadīt mājās - lasot un/vai skatoties kādu filmu, bet tā vietā biju spiesta dezertēt uz tuvējo pabu, jo maniem geju kaimiņiem ir seksa maratons. Hahahaha.

1/12/12 07:07 pm

277: Apology (originally aired 11.05.2004)

It's rare that a successful apology happens. One where you apologize to someone, not for selfish reasons, but because you're really sorry and you want them to know that, and when the person you're apologizing to really hears what you're saying. Three stories of people groping toward that moment.

1/10/12 06:06 pm

Braucu metro mājup, pretīm apsēdās vīrietis - ap 35, kopts, vienīgais, kas sākotnēji pievērsa manu uzmanību bija zaļās matu šķipsnas, bet tas mani nemaz nepārsteidza, šķiet, ka jutu, ka kaut kas daudz fenomenālāks vēl tikai sekos. Tad viņš izvilka miljonu yugioh kāršu un sāka tās aizrautīgi kārtot man nesaprotamā secībā. Kad viņš ievēroja, kā uz viņu blendžu, viņš iemeta acis manā grāmatā, kur biju atvērusi nodaļu - 'Crime through gender's prism', viņš ieteicās: 'That's insane as well..' Abi pasmējāmies, tad kāpu ārā.

1/10/12 03:12 pm

Many women prisoners have past experiences of violent and abusive relationships with men that make them wary of contact with men in their living quarters. For such women, knowing that male officers are authorised to be involved in their daily routines causes anxiety. The counterargument is that it might be beneficial for such women to experience men ‘who are good role models, because a lot of these women have never met a decent man or a man who can keep his trousers zipped up’.

1/10/12 12:47 am

Parasti smēķēju virtuvē, bet šonakt apsēdos uz palodzes - biju piemirsusi, cik skaists ir neepiejamais pagalms.

1/9/12 06:26 pm

Is a carrot the right icon for motivation? No.

Noliku glāzi vīna blakus monitoram, kad pabegšu pēdējo prison case study sadaļu, varēšu sevi apbalvot.

1/8/12 10:58 pm

Led: 'Hi, Jai! Do you know when is the exam in Criminology? Metranet isn't working.'
Jai: 'Hey, - don't have any idea! :D'
Jai: 'Listen, if you ever need a kidney transplant.. I'm here'
Led: 'What do you mean?'
Jai: 'Emmm.. This is how we say 'I like you' in my singles group!'
Led: ':DD'
Jai: ':D'

1/8/12 10:44 pm

everything in moderation

1/7/12 11:59 pm

Act Two. On The Border Between Good And Bad (no 15:20).

'Three or four men between the ages of 25 and 35 are drinking at the bar, and like the man who has just entered, wear three piece suits and loosened neckties. They are probably lawyers-- young, unmarried lawyers-- gossipping with their brethren over martinis so as to postpone arriving home alone at their whitewashed townhouse apartments, where they will fix their evening meals in microwave ovens, and afterwards, while their TVs chuckle quietly in front of them, sit on their couches and do a little extra work tomorrow. They are, for the most part, honorable, educated, hardworking, shallow, and moderately unhappy young men.'

1/7/12 10:28 pm

“We have to create culture, don't watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told 'no', we're unimportant, we're peripheral. 'Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.' And then you're a player, you don't want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.”
― Terence McKenna

1/7/12 05:55 pm

Dzejojot darbiņu par ieslodzījumu vietām un noziedzniekiem - 'Prison is good but I should't be here' - uzdūros ļoti intriģējošiem iepazīšanās saitiem.

1. Female Inmates Seeking Pen Pals aka "Jailhouse-Babes"

2. Meet - an - Inmate

3. Inmates For You!

Mani piesaistīja 27 gadus jauna skaistule, kas saņēmusi mūža ieslodzījumu par 1st degree murder, kidnapping and robbery, viņa sludinājumā norāda, ka ir as guilty as they come, bet tāpat arī mīloša, inteleģenta un emocionāli nobriedusi persona, kura meklē kādu ar kuru dalīties savos pārdzīvojumos un diskutēt par mākslu, laicīgo un pārpasaulīgo. Nu, nu, nu.

1/7/12 02:25 pm

Gribēju iziet pastaigāties, bet nekā, iezilā piere un drūmā paskata ģīmis nav pelnījuši. Varētu cepuri līdz uzacīm uzstīvēt, bet nē, šodien neģērbšos vispār.

1/5/12 10:38 pm

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