06 Septembris 2011 @ 06:47
Does it really work with C as well?  
Eiše says: Izskatos briesmīgi
K. says: Ir vienkāršs risinājums. Uzvelc kaut ko ar lielu izgriezumu un neviens, kuru tavuprāt varētu interesēt tava seja, briesmīgumu neievēros.
K. says: But I'm sure you're exaggerating.
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[info]mindbound on 6. Septembris 2011 - 09:03
It does work with C as well - just write in enough of inline assembler, and most won't pay attention to the actual elegance and performance of the code. I don't recommend this for any cause but it works, by the sheer power of confuzzlement and impression of mastery.
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[info]mindbound on 6. Septembris 2011 - 09:05
Also, LOL.
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Eiše[info]lea on 6. Septembris 2011 - 09:49
It's funny how a programming language and the size of breasts can be indicated by the same letter.
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[info]mindbound on 6. Septembris 2011 - 09:54
And now I don't know, facepalm or applaud my nerd score, since I failed to parse the second meaning even with the appropriate context provided.
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Eiše[info]lea on 7. Septembris 2011 - 06:16
I've always found repetative facepalming to be a sort of an applause upon itself. :D
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Zilzaļā Stirna[info]totentanz on 6. Septembris 2011 - 11:34
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