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[Nov. 28th, 2008|03:48 am]
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[User Picture]
Date:November 28th, 2008 - 04:04 pm
iesākumā kuģi viens otru nopingo, nekas nopietns netiek runāts. Tad no Estoijas iet "mayday, mayday", tad tas otrs prasa, vai tiešām šamie sūtījuši "mayday" un tad pāriet uz kaukādu nevalodu :(
[User Picture]
Date:November 28th, 2008 - 04:15 pm
Estonia: Good morning. Do you speak Finnish?
Silja Europa: Yes, I speak Finnish.
Estonia: Yes, we have a problem here now, a bad list to the right side. I believe that it was twenty, thirty degrees. Could you come to our assistance and also ask Viking Line to come to our assistance?
Silja Europa: Yes, Viking Line is just behind us and they surely got the information. Can you give your position?
Estonia: …(unclear)…we have black out, we cannot get it now. I cannot say it.
Silja Europa: Okay, understood, we'll take measures.

Pēc tam Silja Europa runā ar Mariellu.