Timothy Leary "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out" (1966) |
[Oct. 29th, 2004|05:05 pm] |

Side 1 Part 1 Side 1 Part 2 Side 2 Part 1 Side 2 Part 2 Original release: ESP 1027, US 1966
No producer credited
Engineered by David Hancock
Narrated by Timothy Leary
Comments: Leary's rarest LP is also one of his best. Recorded at Millbrook and all spoken word, this is similar to the Pixie LP but much more entertaining. Mixing recollections from earlier experiments with thoughts on contemporary events, this is as confrontational and subversive as he ever got. The LP title slogan later became tired, but here it seems newly coined and is presented as a rallying cry for the youth of America against the older generations. Hearing this makes you realize why he was once perceived as "the most dangerous man alive". Great LP, and still unknown to many. No reissue yet.
Note: this has the same title as the 1967 Mercury LP, but the contents are completely different.
Jāpiebilst, ka šis albums nekad nav izdots kompaktdiska formātā, tādēļ ir ārkārtīgs retums. Turklāt tam nav nekā kopīga ar Timotija Līrija 1967. gadā izdoto albumu ar tādu pašu nosaukumu, kas nopērkams iekš Amazon.com.
Comments: |
but much more entertaining..
Eu, vareesi man shito diskaa iespiest? | |