Jan. 23rd, 2013 @ 06:05 pm (no subject)
gar ausīm lokās: Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Shout, Sister Shout

Lasu par Freedom Riders un "baltādainajiem", kuri "citu" tiesību vārdā bija gatavi arī mirt, iedvesmojoties un paralēli šausminoties, ka liela daļa no šitem kuklusklaniešiem ir dzīvi ne tikai pārnestā nozīmē, bet tīri bioloģiski vēl nav tik veci, lai būtu apsprāguši un dusētu Dieva aizmirsti. Bildīte un citāts no intervijas ar Džeimsu Cvergu:
"Traditionally a white man got picked out for the violence first. That gave the rest of the folks a chance to get away. I was told that several tried to get into the bus terminal. I was knocked to the ground. I remember being kicked in the spine and hearing my back crack, and the pain. I fell on my back and a foot came down on my face. The next thing I remember is waking up in the back of a vehicle and John Lewis handing me a rag to wipe my face. I passed out again and when I woke up I was in another moving vehicle with some very southern-sounding whites. I figured I'm off to get lynched. I had no idea who they were. Again, I went unconscious and I woke up in the hospital. I was informed that I had been unconscious for a day and a half. One of the nurses told me that another little crowd were going to try and lynch me. They had come within a half block of the hospital. She said that she knocked me out in case they did make it, so that I would not be aware of what was happening.(..)There was nothing particularly heroic in what I did. If you want to talk about heroism, consider the black man who probably saved my life. This man in coveralls, just off of work, happened to walk by as my beating was going on and said 'Stop beating that kid. If you want to beat someone, beat me.' And they did. He was still unconscious when I left the hospital. I don't know if he lived or died."

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Date: January 23rd, 2013 - 07:18 pm
par viņiem arī vajag filmas, ne tikai par tādiem smalkiem kundizņiem kā Linkolns
(ieliet vēl)(Thread)
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Date: January 24th, 2013 - 01:45 am
Tieši tā! Kaut kad pagājušogad skatījos "The Help" un pukojos, ka taisa tādus izdomātus, pārsaldinātus pekstiņus tā vietā, lai uzņemtu filmu par, piemēram, Viola Liuzzo.
(ieliet vēl)(Parent)