"This is the most legendary hotel in Sicily, and it's still receiving guests even though its heyday is long past. For nostalgia buffs, however, there's nothing to top it. Since the 19th century, it has sheltered some of the island's most illustrious visitors, including Richard Wagner, who finished Parsifal here. The hotel has seen enough murders, suicides of poets, romantic but off-the-record liaisons, and aristocratic intrigue to fill a book the size of War and Peace. "
šai reizei izvēlēties augstāk aprakstīto, šķiet būtu tas pats, kas likt mājas viesiem dancot pie mūzikas, kuru tu pats, dvēseli sev stīgodams, parasti mēdz klausīties atlaidies zvilnī, kontemplatīvi laižot lielus un treknus pīpes dūma donātus.
(varbūt tomēr nevajag bojāt svētkus?) |