Apr. 19th, 2015 @ 07:34 pm .

nedod lasīt pilno research, bet man bija šāda aizdoma: Research shows that the frequency of magical thinking and superstitious behavior increases under conditions of stress. A possible explanation for this finding is that stress reduces the individual’s sense of control and that to regain control she or he engages in magical rituals or superstitions.
šo gan dod lasīt un interesants, par kontroli etc In this review, we present evidence that suggests the desire for control is not something we acquire through learning, but rather, is innate, and thus likely biologically motivated. We are born to choose. 
Par šo pukstu
Date: April 19th, 2015 - 08:16 pm
And that's why the contemporary society, since at least Enlightement, is quite particularly obsessed with control-freak'cism.