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tā rūdījās tērauds [15. Feb 2014|17:37]

Apofīzes čiekura virsējā izliektajā daļā iegareni olveidīgas, knābjveidīgas, āķveidīgi atpakaļ atliekušās, ar tulznveidīgu vairoga augšējo daļu, kas nobeidzas ar ērkšķveida nabiņu un ieliekušos vairoga apakšējo daļu.

(Pinus uncinata)
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zvilnājs [13. Feb 2014|08:19]

man liekas, ka teksta autore, tulkošanai domātajā sacerējumā bez lielas vajadzības ierakstot "Kalnu nogāzēs veido ciedrupriežu zvilnāju", ir savā nodabā priecīgi ķiķinājusi.

(nē, man nevajag palīdzību. pagaidām izskatās, ka atbilstošais termins ir subarctic dwarf pine thickets. arī es mazliet ķiķinu.)
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1. vāks DVK [18. Sep 2013|16:00]

cienījamie cibkolēģi!

bezpeļņas projekts "dabas un vēstures kalendārs", kurā es arī sēžu, nevar izdomāt, ko likt uz pirmā vāka. dažreiz jau izdomā, bet to redaktore izbrāķē, un es piekrītu. viņi tur laikam atkal cenšas iedabūt vaboles dažādās pozās.

bet vabole jau bija pērn
un aizpērn

prasa manu viedokli, bet man nav ne gaumes, ne saprašanas.

numura tēma ir mistika. tur ir:

zinātniski raksti (nupat aizstāvējušies autori) par latviešu buramvārdiem, par raganām un raganu kalniem; par apmaldīšanos un vadātāju.
par konkrētu kapakmeni; par purva malduguni (izskaidrojums); par vietējiem spokiem un to sastapšanu; par vampīriem (skaidrojums); par raganu sēnēm; šis tas par dzīves stāstiem; šis tas par nemistiskām autoritātām, kam jubileja; par senām etnogrāfu ekspedīcijām; mēness ietekme uz cilvēku un dabu zinātniski pētīta; un citas lietas.

ko tu, cibiņ, ieteiktu likt uz tāda kalendāra vāka? pliku sievieti nevar, jo izdevēju sauc "zinātne". un ir daži dabas fotogrāfi, kuru bildes var par velti dabūt, un priekš citiem nav naudas.

liksim aiz auss jebkādus ieteikumus. varbūt tu pats gribi to vāku apgleznot.

(man pašai bija ieteikums nomuhļīt kaut ko šitādā stilā , bet man patiešām nav gaumes un jēgas.)
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mistika, bildes [18. Sep 2013|15:03]

tematiski attēli priekš A.P.

spied te  )
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mēness 3 [25. Maijs 2013|11:59]
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What's the link between the moon and menstruation?
September 24, 1999

Dear Cecil:

What's the connection between the human menstrual cycle and the moon? Do our cycles last exactly one lunar month for a reason, or is it just a coincidence? I wonder how our cycles--not to mention our calendars--would work if we didn't have a moon.

— Barbara Berr, via the Internet

Dear Barbara:

The smart money says it's coincidence. In Science and the Paranormal (1983), astronomer George O. Abell writes, "The moon's cycle of phases is 29.53 days, while the human female menstrual cycle averages 28 days (although it varies among women and from time to time with individual women); this is hardly even a good coincidence! The corresponding estrus cycles of some other mammals are 28 days for opossums, 11 days for guinea pigs, 16 to 17 days for sheep, 20 to 22 days for sows, 21 days for cows and mares, 24 to 26 days for macaque monkeys, 37 days for chimpanzees, and only 5 days for rats and mice. One could argue, I suppose, that the human female, being more intelligent and perhaps aware of her environment, adapted to a cycle close to that of the moon, while lower animals did not. But then the 28-day period for the opossum must be a coincidence, and if it is a coincidence for opossums, why not for humans?"

Then again, who knows? People have figured there was a connection between the lunar month and menstruation for as long as women have been getting the monthlies. Moon, month, and menstruation are all related etymologically. No less an authority than Charles Darwin believed that menstruation was linked to the moon's influence on tidal rhythms, a legacy of our origin in the sea. The coincidence between the lunar and menstrual cycles is closer than George Abell would have us believe--studies have found the average menstrual period is 29 days and change. At least some critters' biologies are linked to the lunar cycle; in the lemur, for example, estrus and sex tend to occur around the time of the full moon.

Efforts to turn up similar patterns in humans have had unimpressive results, however. Several researchers over the years have claimed to detect lunar rhythms in menstrual onset and such; others see nothing. Biologist Winnifred Cutler, in a 1980 paper, found that 40 percent of women in a random sample showed "a preponderance of menses onsets in the light half-cycle of the month" (the two weeks centered on the full moon). To me this suggests 60 percent of the women didn't show any coincidence. If there really is a moon-menstruation link, you couldn't prove it by me.

— Cecil Adams


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