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kola 2 [14. Dec 2014|15:39]
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Date:14. Decembris 2014 - 21:04
paldies par ierosinājumu skatīties šajā virzienā.

The word soda comes from soda-water (sodium bicarbonate with acid to create fizz). Its original meaning was sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, but has evolved into one of the generic terms for a soft drink.

People can name something whatever they want. SODA refers originally to SODA-WATER anyway chump. “Dumb-people” called soft drinks thereafter SODA which is inaccurate at best. SODA-POP or POP-SODA would be better and Soft Drink or Carbonated non-alcoholic beverage the most accurate. In the end POP just sounds kewler, in spite of any grammatical errors.