kihelkonna - 30. Jūlijs 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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30. Jūlijs 2013

jogu attrīšanās [30. Jul 2013|19:13]

speciāli snorkei - retrīts, uz kuru viņai un makdonaldai kaut kā negadījās netīšām uzrauties
Vastra Dhauti

This kriya is similar to Vaman dhauti but uses a muslin cloth instead of water. It should be performed on an empty stomach early in the morning.


Keep ready a strip of muslin cloth. It should be about 20 feet long and 3 inches wide and should be washed and disinfected prior to use.

Start by slowly inserting the muslin cloth into your throat and swallowing it.

Initially you can try swallowing about 1 foot of the cloth and gradually increase it till you can swallow almost all of the cloth.

Keep the cloth in your throat for a few seconds increasing the period every day.

When the cloth sticks in your throat, sip some warm water.

Stop swallowing when about six inches of the cloth are left outside.

Slowly withdraw the cloth.


te to var baudīt jūtūbē
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ēdieni traucenē 2 [30. Jul 2013|19:20]

satīrīju nolēkšķējušo māju, sagrūdu traukus traucenē, pievienoju tableti. cita starpā ieliku aizskrūvētu un maisiņā ieliktu puslitra burciņu, kurā bija sagriezts kartupelis, burkāns, kabacis, purava lapa. uz 65 grādiem pusotru (vai nezinu cik) stundu. atskrūvēju - puravs patīkami pusmīksts, kabacis paciets, bet paciešams, burkāni galīgi cieti, kartupelis ciets un drīz nomelnēja. nākamreiz mēģināšu ko citu.
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