stulbais spams [warning - bad language ahead!]

Posted on 11.10.2006 at 09:53
Sajūta: bitchy
Skaņa: Marilyn Manson - New Model No. 15
kā man besī šādi teksti:

Hello my friend, Stop disappointing your partner and join the lucky ones who have
overcome this. Choose Extra-Time for a reliable comprehensive method that really
cures you. Any man wants to last longer and make his partner happy with that. See
our shop: You won't hear another word of reproach from
her! She'll just keep you a secret from her friends!

nu stulbie amerikāņi varbūt arī uzķertos, bet tas taču ir tik slimi uzskatīt ka cilvēki varētu uz ko tādu uzķerties. grr.. besī man mēstules! un šo iekopēju tikai smaida pēc. kā viņi cenšas pieklājīgi izreklamēt savu preci. jo bieži vien ir tādi teksi kā: "you wanna fuck your bitch [we mean - your partner] harder and longer with your own huge and supersized mutant dick? well stuck your penis in your own ass and shit all over the place!" nu varbūt es nedaudz pāršāvu pār strīpu, bet ideja visiem skaidra.

ai lab.. pagaidām pietiks.. izkratīju savu žulti. paldies jums par uzmanību