Trash panda

April 9th, 2018

doesn't listen

“Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.”
- Terry Pratchett


April 9th, 2018

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sestdien biju Prah barčikā un kaut kādā brīdī arī barčika tualetē. stāvu tur pie tā roku žāvētāja, kurš vienkārši tikai sasilda rokas, domāju domu, sildu rokas. pēkšņi tualetē ienāk sieviete un vēršas pie manis
S (ar akcentu): do you speak English?
kaķ: I do.
S: I just wanted to ask, how did you do it with the music?
*kaķ O_O
S (žestikulējot): you know, with the music..
*kaķ O_O, aizdomājas, ka moš prasa par jukebox, gatavojas atbildēt, ka nav ne jausmas, kā tā elles mašīna darbojas.
S: you know, with your phone...
*kaķ O_O
S: you put the music on the TV from your phone! how did you do that?
kaķ: err, didn't.
S: oh. I thought that... it looked like...
*kaķ O_O
S (žestikulē it kā svaipotu telepurķi): I thought that you put music from your phone to the TV
kaķ: no, I can't do that.
S (redzami vīlusies): oh, I thought...

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