Trash panda

February 13th, 2014

doesn't listen

“Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.”
- Terry Pratchett


February 13th, 2014

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brīžiem nāk raudiens, cik grūti. šodien darbā biju 7:30am un izgāju 7:50pm. mēģinu izdomāt veidu kā rīt arī piecelties pirms 6am.

ja jums kāds saka, ka flexing un curve exposure ir viegli, sitiet... sitiet, kamēr vēl mazi.

un vēl varu padalīties ar aptuveno sarunu:
z: oooh, your nails look good.
a (paskatās): oh, I though we pay you enough to be able to afford all nails in one colour.
k: you pay me enough to be able to afford many nail polishes so that I can't pick just one.
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