Es iesaku noskatīties 4. daļu. Tur uz jautājumu, kādi ir loģiskā pozitīvisma trūkumi, Fredijs atbild, ka galvenais trūkums ir tāds, ka as ir aplams. Un tad, protams, atkal tiek izvilkts smēķis. Charming.
UN te fragments no Eijera biogrāfijas "At yet another party he had befriended Sanchez [Fernando Sanchez, a fashionable designer, allegedly famous for womens’ underclothes]. Ayer was now standing near the entrance to the great white living-room of Sanchez’s West 57th Street apartment, chatting to a group of young models and designers, when a woman rushed in saying that a friend was being assaulted in a bedroom. Ayer went to investigate and found Mike Tyson forcing himself on a young south London model called Naomi Campbell, then just beginning her career. Ayer warned Tyson to desist. Tyson: “Do you know who the fuck I am? I’m the heavyweight champion of the world”. Ayer stood his ground. “And I am the former Wykeham Professor of Logic. We are both pre-eminent in our field; I suggest that we talk about this like rational men.” Ayer and Tyson began to talk. Naomi Campbell slipped out."
Jā, jā, šitas fantastiskais stāsts bija dzirdēts. Es vēl iedomājos, kā Eijers, komfortabli savilcis bikses līdz padusēm cērt čatu ar jaunām modelēm (diez' par ko? Par Vīnes pulciņu, vai?), kā viņš metas glābt dāmas godu un kā Taisons reāli apjūk no tā, ka šitāds akadēmisks diegabiksis lec viņam augumā.