- 2008 - mūžu dzīvo, mūžu mācies
- 14.10.23 14:57
- sākums no virdžīnijas.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9phZWySNsXY - Paul van Dyk. Rea Garvey - Let go
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIZdjT1472Y - The Killers - Human
"On the band's official website, the biography section states that Flowers is singing "Are we human, or are we dancer?" and also says that the lyric was inspired by a disparaging comment made by Hunter S. Thompson, who stated that America was "raising a generation of dancers, afraid to take one step out of line". From an interview:
Flowers is irritated that people don't quite seem to get the lyric, and that fans were unhappy with the song's dance beat. "It's supposed to be a dance song, it goes with the chorus," he says. "If you can't put that together, you're an idiot. I just don't get why there's a confusion about it." - 7 rakstair doma
- Re: paldies! :)
- 15.10.23 21:43
Es arī īsti neprotu labi (tehniski, profesionāli), bet mūzikas terapija iedrošināja spēlēt savam priekam, jo īpaši šis pasākums https://www.rsu.lv/notikumi/pasakums-mu
zika-ka-emocionalas-veselibas-uzlabosana s-veids
Un tad pat kaut kas sanāk, bet nu ne profesionāli, citu ausis un dzirdi saudzēju:) - Atbildēt
- Re: paldies! :)
- 15.10.23 22:34
es sāku mācīties spēlēt klavieres kopā ar Mazuli, man tā patika - tik forša, meditatīva sajūta, bet kaut kā vienā brīdī visa saskrēja par daudz un es pametu. varbūt, vajag saņemties un atsākt.
Mazulis vēl spēlē. :) - Atbildēt