"meitenes Rīgā kā naktī zvaigznes"

Posted on 2007.06.26 at 19:04
man:: nuvo
skan: the weepies - riga girls
soulsīkojot nejauši atradu kkādas grupas The Weepies songu Riga Girls.
te būs daļa no teksta:

"Riga girls like to kiss
Make me wish I was someone else
Oh, Riga girls are you sad?
Oh, I wish I had someone

Who would want you as you are?
What can you give they couldn't get from someone else?
What life of ease, what wedding bells, what pretty stones, what precious wealth?"

uz priekšu skaistās Rīgas meitenes!
vairs nekādu komentu no manas puses.

[starp citu tā grupa nav no pašām briesmīgākajām http://www.theweepies.com/]


[info]freakart at 2007-06-28 14:43 (Saite)
yes yes tagad tieshi kachaaju lai iepeetiitu *SIN*
[info]inese_tk at 2007-06-28 15:04 (Saite)
nu tā grupa atbilst savam nosaukumam the weepies, var dzirdēt skatot mājaslapu... :D
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