
Posted on 2022.03.17 at 11:06


porcelāna lellīte
[info]neraate at 2022-03-17 12:09 (Saite)
To vai mīkstie audi vai kauls redzēsi procesā pēc tā, cik ilgi dzīst, tad arī sapratīsi. Lai gan tikai mīkstie audi arī nav nekas patīkams
[info]inese_tk at 2022-03-17 12:24 (Saite)

es tikko kā reiz izlasīju šitādu "Undisplaced Greater Tuberosity Fracture (The 'hidden fracture'). I call this the 'hidden fracture' as an undisplaced fracture of the greater tuberosity is common and often does not show up on x-rays. It is common for people to injure their shoulder and x-rays look normal." tā, ka nav brīnums, ka rtg grūti saprotams.
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