Mon, Oct. 3rd, 2016, 04:16 pm
Populistiski politiskie spēki man atgādina narcisistiskus vecākus. Domājot par Polijā izvirzīto sadistisko abortu likumu, piemēram. Tas šķiet kā aprobežots cilvēks ar bērnu, kas tik ļoti domā par to, ka viņa nepilngadīgā meita nedrīkst dzert, pīpēt vai kniebties, ka ir gatavs nodarīt savam bērnam pāri, lai tikai kādam no blakus dzīvokļa neienāktu prātā nodomāt ko drusku sliktāku, pie kam, ne jau meitas dēļ, bet naricistiskā vecāka. Un bērns jeb tauta jūt apkārtējo vidi kā ļaunu vēlošu, jo te nav pat ticības, ka šis ir "tevis pašas labā". Ir tikai salta atziņa, ka visas attiecības or tikai cīņa par varu. Un tas ir veids, kā jūs piedabūjat tautu attaisnot karu. Mon, Oct. 3rd, 2016, 11:16 pm gnidrologs
Kā sapratu no poļa, tad valdošajā partijā ir cilvēki, kas atbalsta un ir cilvēki, kas ir pret. Mans tiecas vairāk ticēt polim, nekā a priori angažētiem medijiem. Mon, Oct. 3rd, 2016, 11:18 pm annuska
jā, es arī ticu polietei, ar kuru sēdēju vienā kabinetā Mon, Oct. 3rd, 2016, 11:20 pm annuska
tas, ka valdošajā partijā ir daži sakarīgi cilvēki, neizslēdz kopējo tendenci. protams, ļoti ceru, ka projektu nepieņems, tomēr jau situācija, ka tas nav atmests, bet pieņemts izskatīšanai, ir nenormāla Tue, Oct. 4th, 2016, 12:01 am gnidrologs
Normāla vai nenormāla ir gaumes jautājums. Tiesa, tā ir demokrātiska. Tue, Oct. 4th, 2016, 12:05 am annuska
nav, jo otru projektu atmeta Tue, Oct. 4th, 2016, 07:06 am gnidrologs
Šeit nedaudz par to: ''Two "public" law proposals were submitted to the parliament. One by the pro-lifers aiming to restrict access even further the other by the pro-choice crowd. The parliament shot down the pro-choice project but voted the pro-life project to pass on to one of the parliamentary commissions for further work. Where it will most likely spend eternity wrapped in red-tape in the so called "freezer", never to see the light of day again*. Many projects enter it, few actually end up getting a vote that could enact them as the new law. Pretty much meaningless from a legal perspective at this point. Cue butthurt. Although I can understand that even the slightest threat of making the law even more restrictive (practically it is by no means easy to get even what would be considered a legal abortion, in Poland of course, Lithuania on the other hand...) would aggravate people. With the current parliament it is likely it would pass, but only if the Puppetmaster from Praga Jaroslaw K. (who really rules the country at this point) would will it so. And in his interest is keeping this stuck in stuck in the freezer. Otherwise he has to make his support clear for either option, and regardless of whether he supports the cato-taliban or not, he risks losing MPs unhappy with his choice and thus the parliamentary majority. The current "abortion compromise" is a very thin line, changing it in any way is a very risky political move, which is why no parliament has changed it ever since it was in force. Either way you risk mass demonstrations, more so in the case of restrictions I would guess.'' Okej, viņi šatdaunoja hipsteru propozīciju par pilnīgu atļaušanu, kas ir tikai normāli, jo 97% poļu sevi uzskata par katoļiem un parlamentam, tas jāatspoguļo. Tiesa otram priekšlikumam arī nav nekādu izredžu so kompromiss tas ir. |