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es īpaši daudz neko nevaru parakstīt
tad es lasu kaut kādu rakstu no 1980. gada par atšķirībām starp amerikāņu, vācu un franču nūdistiem. Autora mulsums aug, aprakstot katru grupu
Par franču pludmali viņš raksta:
the French situation is extremely confusing and complex to the uninitiated
It was very common to observe a variety of French practices: people who always went nude, people who sunned nude but bathed clothed and the reverse, and individual men and women who wore "Le String"—which can be described as a sort of jock strap—while standing or moving, but who wore nothing while prone.
There were numerous itinerant vendors of jewelry (in particular, necklaces and flashy rings) and many buyers. Close to fifteen percent of the nudist women (and even a few men) at Pampelonne wore concentric layers of flashy silver or gold necklaces and had two or three rings on fingers of each hand. The women were also adorned with ankle bracelets and waist chains. About twenty percent of the French women wore heavy make-up such as mascara, perfumes and bright nail polishes on fingers and toes. Approximately ten percent of the women shaved the entire genital region of hair which is even more remarkable as a status differentiator when you note that European women are not in the habit of shaving secondary sex characteristic hair at all.
Numerous examples of men touching, rubbing and caressing all areas of a woman companion's body were recorded. Women were observed almost as often as males in these same cross-sex touching and body contact behaviors. Another frequent observance was to see women rubbing sun-tan lotion on another women's body with the exception of genital contact. But male-male touching and body contact on French beaches was limited to (by comparison to other sex compositions) facial and stomach contact.
Finally, instances of self-touching were observed. Both among French and Cermans a frequent observation was of men unselfconsciously touching or scratching their own genitals or buttocks while prone, sitting or standing. Women at both beaches were observed less frequently touching their own breasts or buttocks and always while prone, thus insuring less chance of public self-disclosure or observation.

About five percent of the French cross-sex body contacts and touching behaviors observed appeared to involve visible penile engorgement and/or female nipple erection. Neither visible signs of attempts on the part of those aroused to hide or eliminate these signs of arousal, nor any particular interest of those in the proximity of these sexual displays were observed.

Un to visu viņš vēlāk sakārto tabuliņās un apraksta novērojumus procentos :)
Visvairāk mani uzjautrināja mēģinājums iztēloties franču sievieti ar 'Le String', spīdīgām zelta ķēdītēm ap kaklu, vidukli un potītēm, 2-3 gredzeniem katrā rokā, krāsainiem nagiem un lielu kosmētikas kārtu

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On April 22nd, 2012, 04:32 pm, [info]saccharomyces commented:
wow, tas izklausās kā no kaut kādas paralēlās realitātes, liek domāt par ksenu vai kaut ko tādu

bet, kad es iegūglēju "women ankle waist wrist chains" atradās, piemēram, šis - chains , no visa, ko tā uz ātru roku atradu, man vispiemērotākais aprakstītajam likās šis:

varbūt Tev jāizmanto priekšaizstāvēšanās prezentācijā kādi šādi attēli, es domāju, aivitai patiktu, viņa taču tieši runāja par uzmanības piesaistīšanu :D

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