Back in the game! Even if just for a little while, but still. Pagājušajā nedēļā ar Miku bijām pēdējie ar 30 pročiem un Nauris uz mani greizi paskatījās un pateica, ka galīgi esmu aizmirsusi, kā spēlēt tajā Francijā. Šodien jau bija labāk. :P 65,5 procenti un otrie. Paši gan nesapratām, kā tikām otrie, bet.. varbūt ar to, ka esam forši, pietiek. (party) Vismaz šoreiz. Druvas Dūzi, saturies! Mēs gatavojamies. Kā jefiņi gan, bet gatavojamies.
Tags: bridžs Current Mood: gūd tīred Current Music: PV - Ziemā
My last week in Disneyland has officially begun. Šorīt pavadīju uz lidostu Editu, neapraudājos un viss bija kārtībā. Toties pirms kādas pusstundas gan man bija maziņš breakdowniņš un nekur vairs negribējās ne iet, ne ko darīt. Vasara beigusies, jāatgriežas realitātē un jāmēģina pievērsties īstajai dzīvei, lai gan pašlaik tik ļoti to negribās. Domāju galvā visādus plānus, kā te varētu palikt un ko darīt un visu citu. Bet tajā pašā laikā zinu, ka tad, kad atgriezīšos mājās, atkal pieradīšu pie tā visa, būs ok. Man vēl aizvien būs draugi all over the Europe un dzīve nebeidzas te un tagad. (: Enjoy the last week without me, Latvia!
Tags: france Current Mood: skumjš Current Music: putekļu sūcējs un klīning leidī
Miss my dog. Of course, everybody knows that. Miss home and forest behind my window. Miss my bed and peaceful book reading late at nights. Miss my weird friends who's weirdness I understand and am a part of. Miss stupid experiments and all the other crazy/ordinary things I'm doing back home. Miss bridge-people and time I spent with them. Miss pictures and random stuff on the walls and in shelves [miss shelves as they are too]. Miss not thinking and over-thinking what I'm going to say and how I'm supposed to express that. Miss not giving a sh*t. Or having more things to give a sh*t about.
Tags: france Current Mood: sort of sad Current Music: Snow Patrol - Shut your eyes
She was so totally right when she said my life is never plain. It's either dreamy good or terribly bad. And it's just the way it goes. Had some four days of the ninth circle of hell when I seriously was considering putting my head into oven or smth. Now, the last two days.. Oh, they're great. Having random fun with random people, getting to know some interesting people [lasi: cute guys] and improvising every day. And, of course, celebrating every day spent without pain. Some people are having their crazy years at 16, 18 or 20, I'm having them now or so it seems. And I'm totally enjoying every singe minute of that. Have no idea what tomorrow will bring, and don't care actually. Just enjoying the ride. France really changes people. I'm discovering some serious superpowers I never knew I had before. Pity, sometimes they don't work on the right people though. :P Well, nobody's perfect. Have to leave SOME space for improvement, don't I..
Tags: france, gūd things Current Mood: eksaitēd Current Music: Florence + The Machine