She was so totally right when she said my life is never plain. It's either dreamy good or terribly bad. And it's just the way it goes. Had some four days of the ninth circle of hell when I seriously was considering putting my head into oven or smth. Now, the last two days.. Oh, they're great. Having random fun with random people, getting to know some interesting people [lasi: cute guys] and improvising every day. And, of course, celebrating every day spent without pain. Some people are having their crazy years at 16, 18 or 20, I'm having them now or so it seems. And I'm totally enjoying every singe minute of that. Have no idea what tomorrow will bring, and don't care actually. Just enjoying the ride. France really changes people. I'm discovering some serious superpowers I never knew I had before. Pity, sometimes they don't work on the right people though. :P Well, nobody's perfect. Have to leave SOME space for improvement, don't I..
Tags: france, gūd things Current Mood: eksaitēd Current Music: Florence + The Machine
Salut! Tout est bon est just magnifique.. Es zinu, ka pēc labajiem periodiem parasti man nāk totāli sliktie, bet tas tikai liek man vēl vairāk izbaudīt labos kā šis.. Ceturtdien sasodītais Sports Bar ar random people, piektdien Sports Bar ar darba biedriem un tad Billy Bob's ar tiem pašiem biedriem un bariņu jokainu cilvēku. Un tad nāk sestdiena, kur es no rīta strādāju [lai gan es strādāju arī iepriekšējās dienas] un tad randomā aizbraucu uz Parīzi, apskatu Eifeļa torni, par kuru es noteikti nevaru piekrist, ka dienas gaismā viņš izskatās kā elektrības stabs.. Redzēju, izbaudīju, priecājos, lai gan, noteikti - tumsā viņš ir vēl iespaidīgāks. Un Notre Dame.. Ak, tik milzīga, superīga un lieliska.. Tad atrbraucu mājās, satieku Emīliju, aiztieku līdz Billy Bob's, atkal noballējos līdz pustrijiem un tad mēs ejam uz 37.o numuru jeb Bradly's place to have spagetti and fun. Till 4 a.m. in the morning which totally cool. Šodiena ar ceļu uz kkādu vietu nekurienes vidū un brī, tomātiem, maizi un vīnu milzīgu koku paēnā un lietu.. Un rīt, varbūt, ballīte pie kaimiņiem vai pie mums, not entirely sure about that. Īsumā - varbūt es pat redzēšu betmenu kkad drīz. Varbūt es pat nenomiršu badā. Varbūt es šeit pazīstu loads of cool people. Varbūt es varu arī patikt cilvēkiem.
Tags: atskaite, france, gūd things Current Mood: slīpī & hangrī Current Music: dubstep
Skaiti kā gribi - četrās nedēļās, mēnesī no datuma līdz datumam - bet viņš ir pagājis. Un es viņu atzīmēju tā, ka atcerēšos. Vai tas ir uz labu vai sliktu, laiks rādīs. Galvenais, ka ir jautri un dzīve notiek. Patiesībā es priecājos, ka otrdienas ballīte tika atcelta sakarā ar neiespējamību dabūt atļauju, cause I'm starting to gain a reputation in here.. Diemžēl cilvēkiem ir kreizī ideas to go to Paris and have fun there that night. And everybody's like: oh, Madara, don't make us beg you, we know you want to come. At this point I'm just hoping I have to work the next morning, cause if that's the case, I'm totally not going.. It's enough with one weekend without sleep. The main thing - no matter how crazy these last few days have been, they have also been fun and really good. I enjoyed them. And now - to sleep and to new adventures. Oh, shit.. That reminds me of that freakin' challenge Edita is trying to put me up to.. I still haven't said 'challenge accepted' although I won't deny it, it's tempting. And totally crazy. Sasodīts. Tikko pamanīju pāreju valodās. Un nobijos [it's happening too natural and fast now..]
Tags: france, gūd things Current Mood: intrestīng Current Music: "it's friday, friday, gotta get down on friday.." in head