Aprīlis 26., 2005

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(59 teica | man šķiet, ir tā...)


[User Picture]
Date:26. Aprīlis 2005 - 16:04

Re: hmm

t.i. nav iemesla uztraukumam ;)
[User Picture]
Date:26. Aprīlis 2005 - 16:07

Re: hmm

The light bulb alters the Martian ID card.
[User Picture]
Date:26. Aprīlis 2005 - 16:15

Re: hmm

- How many Illuminati does it take to change a lightbulb?
- Three. One to change it, and one to confuse the issue.
[User Picture]
Date:26. Aprīlis 2005 - 16:22

Re: hmm

there are 10 kinds of people - those who understand binary and those who doesn't.

[User Picture]
Date:26. Aprīlis 2005 - 16:23

Re: hmm

there are 10 kinds of people - those who understand binary and those who doesn't.


/bl, angļu valoda nočakarējās, bet pofig.
[User Picture]
Date:26. Aprīlis 2005 - 16:34

Re: hmm

šitas bij' jau manīts iekš bash.org...
ok, būtu laikam jāķeras pie lab.d. ;)
[User Picture]
Date:26. Aprīlis 2005 - 16:37

Re: hmm

yea, pazūdi strādāt, es arī drīz tinos prom :)

bet prieks patiesībā, ka tu te esi, dod papildus nianses manai virtuālajai dzīvei.
[User Picture]
Date:26. Aprīlis 2005 - 16:40

Re: hmm

*virtuāli pazūd, fiziski paliekot pie sava PC*

abpusēji :)
honeybee -

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