Oktobris 16., 2004

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Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 22:19

tā ja, kas tik neatklājas...

Take the quiz: "What Kind of Pervert are You?"

The Depressed Pervert
The Depressed Pervert: You are The Depressed Pervert, you seem a bit more distant than The Horny Pervert, you actually prefer your partner to find you instead of the other way around, but what goes through your mind. ( Ooou, the intimacy ) You could think of practically anything to turn you on, more than likely the person to be with you are going to have as much wild and wet dreams as you give them, even though you are not like The Horny Pervert, you still have your tendencies, perhaps writing your poetry is a great turn on for them. But you accept things as they come, waiting for them to make the first move, usually.
[User Picture]
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 22:22


atbilde manā pollā = uzbrauciens, vai ne? :/
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 22:28

Re: [offtopic]

par kuru no abām manām atbildēm Tu runā ;o)
[User Picture]
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 22:31

Re: [offtopic]

par "redzu tikai sevi"
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 22:38

Re: [offtopic]

ne gluži. vienkārši neko citu nevarēju atķeksēt ;o) tas bija mans šīs dienas lielākais kārdinājums un es tam ļāvos, pie tam tie citi variantu man tā īsti ar Tevi nesaistās.
[User Picture]
Date:18. Oktobris 2004 - 22:40

Re: [offtopic]

honeybee -

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