Oktobris 16., 2004

blēņojos ar testiem un uzrāvos uz visnotaļ precīzu atbildi... vismaz patlaban

Take the quiz: "What Kind of Pervert are You?"

The Unknown Pervert
The Unknown Pervert: You are The Unknown Pervert, you are bound to hide your past and intentions, as the partner may find you very mysterious in so many ways. The ability to make yourself invisible to those around you, but not literally. You are similar to that of The Depressed Pervert, you may tend to give up before it's too soon and you being alone drives the person to wanting to understand you more, although you feel that they shouldn't or probably wouldn't. Your intentions are only mysterious, they have no idea what you are really like, being The Unknown Pervert you might question yourself on why you participate in such intimate acts.

p.s. atvainojos par mūziku, es jau pārslēdzu... nejauši trāpījās, es sasmējos

upd: ielēju mazliet vīna un atvēru Wordu. un uzrakstīju raksta nosaukumu, kas jau ir daudz. bet - kad es beidzot varēšu gulēt viena? nu jau trešā nakts, ja nemaldos... vientuļā sieviete, mļin.

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