Jūnijs 30., 2022
| 09:01
Lai gan, protams, šis ir tipisks piemērs tam, kā izskatās manas smadzenes stāvoklī "nupat noļerkstēju vienu konferenci un tagad atklāju, ka ir viena diena pāri dedlainam, lai pieteiktos citai:
The concepts of memory prosthesis and prosthetic memory, posthuman attentiveness to the agency of photography and the distributed agency of memory as well as attentiveness to the artist's process as revealed through in-depth interviews help to advance the articulation of the link between photography and memory in contemporary art.
*Bernarda Bleka balsī* WHAT? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!
Also, apsveicu ar teikumu, kur ne tikai viens vārds ("posthuman"), bet arī vesela frāze ("memory prosthesis") man ir ar galīgi citu nozīmi
Kas Tev ir memory prosthesis?
Whoa that's incredibly cool
Yeah, Bergers et al. ir vesels jauns standarts "aplietajā" neirozinātnē |
Sviesta Ciba |