Janvāris 9., 2018

Lūk, mani interesē, kā tāds BMI (vai cits indekss) atgriezeniski savukārt ietekmē situāciju. Piemēram, kā GDP internacionāla pieņemšana un izmantošana “piegriež” izpratni par to, kas strādā, radot izmešu kultūru: “Simon Kuznets, the guy who designed the GDP measurement tool to calculate the productivity capacity of the United States during WW2, warned against using this system as a broad economic indicator. Yet very quickly, nations around the world took to measuring their economic position through the calculation of the sale of end-user goods. Basically, anything that you or I consume is considered a ‘good’ in the economy and thus adds to the health of the countries’ economic positions. This means that wars increase GDP, as does anything that requires continual consumption, like disposable stuff.”

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