I think one of the problems when talking about these issues is the frame of reference. I have lived in the most dangerous part of our town (Linköping) for several years. I come from Latvia where a 'dangerous' part of a town meant that you do not go there because you will be robbed / knifed / shot in broad daylight. It was absolutely not the case with the most dangerous part of Linköping, even though people who had not had a direct experience with the place kept talking about it in the same way as I would talk about a true 'no-go' zone in Latvia. The worst thing that happened to me there was that my bicycle got stolen because I had forgotten to lock it overnight. My kid was playing outside unsupervised every day, I was coming home alone in the middle of night etc. Never had a single unpleasant experience.
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Comments {10}
hahahā, manā rajončegā ielauztas galvas, laupījumi un izdemolēti auto ir katras nakts stāsts, un pēc policijas statistikas mans rajončegs nebūt nav bīstamākais rīgā.
Reply | Parent | Threadvakar no rīta redzēju līķi, bet uz vakarpusi jau bija aizmirsies
Reply | Parent | Threadoh...
Reply | Parentanonymous Link
Latvijas pilsētu rajončikos, pat ar visiem krieviem (atkal migrantu problēma!), tomēr nenotiek bandu un klanu savstarpējie kari. Un, stāsti ko gribi, ir cilvēki, kuri saka, ka Maskačkā jūtas droši arī naktīs.
Reply | Parent | Threades jūtos ok. centrā un citur ir sliktāk.
Reply | Parent+mana māsa gadiem ilgi dzīvoja maskačkā, jutās ok. bet viņa arī dzīvoja berlīnē "sliktajos, ūberbīstamajos rajonos", bez incidentiem. es pie viņas ciemojos. kaut mums būtu tik bīstami rajoni!
Reply | Parent | Threadanonymous Link
es nezinu nevienu Latvijas "slikto" rajonu, kur regulāri mētātos ar granātām - http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/JdnO j/explosion-pa-radhustomt-i-malmo lossning-och-spr%C3%A4ngningar-i-malm%C3%B 6-minskar-inte-trots-%C3%B6kade-polisins atser-55ae86a4b9a9f614c7000298 hortages-in-malm-putting-public-at-risk e21171816.ab
Reply | Parent | Threadhttp://www.tv4.se/nyheter/artiklar/skott
grūti iedomāties, cik ļoti aklam vai strausam jābūt, lai šo ignorētu un teiktu, ka "lv ir bīstamāk"
bet tas cilvēciņš taču runā par Linkopinu, nevis par visu Zviedriju? Priekš kam karināt rakstus par to, kas notiek Malmē?
Reply | Parent