Ja nu kādam interesē,
Security Engineering – A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems is now available free online in its entirety.
I’ve long been an advocate of open science and open publishing; all my scientific papers go online and I no longer even referee for publications that sit behind a paywall. But some people think books are different. I don’t agree.
http://www.lightbluetouchpaper.org/2 013/02/04/security-engineering-now-avail able-free-online/
Security Engineering – A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems is now available free online in its entirety.
I’ve long been an advocate of open science and open publishing; all my scientific papers go online and I no longer even referee for publications that sit behind a paywall. But some people think books are different. I don’t agree.
Paldies, pievienoju vispārizglītojošajai e-bibliotēciņai.