Amazone piedāvās Kindle par $25 lētāk, bet lietotājam ekrānsaudzētāja vietā rādīs reklāmas
un vēl kaut kādus offerus iedos.
Our goal is to display sponsored screensavers that you want to see. That's why we've created a free Kindle app and website (coming soon) called AdMash. Anyone who's interested can download AdMash and help pick future screensavers. Two prospective screensavers show up side-by-side, and you pick the one you find most attractive. The ones preferred most by customers qualify to become sponsored screensavers.
nu .. es atteiktos.
un vēl kaut kādus offerus iedos.
Our goal is to display sponsored screensavers that you want to see. That's why we've created a free Kindle app and website (coming soon) called AdMash. Anyone who's interested can download AdMash and help pick future screensavers. Two prospective screensavers show up side-by-side, and you pick the one you find most attractive. The ones preferred most by customers qualify to become sponsored screensavers.
nu .. es atteiktos.
Es neatteiktos, jo varbūt būs kāds labs piedāvājums, taču pašu Kindle nepirktu.
Reply | ThreadBiju nopietni apsvēris, taču opcija, ka Amazone var, man nezinot, cenzēt manas grāmatas, man gan pavisam neder.
jā, es arī beigās uz Kindli vairs neskatos, jo viņi pārāk stalkero lasītājus.
Reply | ParentBet nu Kindle ir lētākais, ja citiem modeļiem nav kādas akcijas saliktas. Un lēti šie var atļauties tāpēc, ka sapelnās pēc tam uz grāmatām un tagad vēl grib uz reklāmām.