Mar. 11., 2012 | 02:44 am
she leaned against the huge stone formation and closed her eyes, listening to the forest, letting its gentle flow pour through her, living and breathing. the stone was still warm from the day's sun, and she let the warmth penetrate her. everything became distant and silent as she blended into the night, cadence of her breath matching the rhytm of forest. behind every breath there was a falling sensation, deepening her trance, until her pitch was finally in tune with overmind of the forest itself. roots intersecting beneath her feet, interacting with a strange melody that felt like waves. billions of synapses, all interconnected, all a part of the same entity. every particle of her being wanted to dive in and flow along the melody of waves, but the warm stone was monumentally lifeless across her back, its strange emptiness and resilience to enveloping melody of the forest was like an anchor to reality of her own existence.
- WHAT DO YOU SEE? - an overwhelming melody flowing through her consciousness. an impossibly strong sensation that left her speechless - I CAN NOT SEE, TELL ME WHAT DO YOU SEE!
- Power - a feeble whisper in comparison to the melodic presence of the overmind - I can see your power...
- A HUNTER... - its voice resonated across her being, reverberating in her metaspace
- ...on a hunt for power - her own melody steady now, making her presence unavoidable, something to be reckoned with.
- COME THEN - strange sadness flowing in the melody - IF YOU KNOW WHERE I AM
- WHAT DO YOU SEE? - an overwhelming melody flowing through her consciousness. an impossibly strong sensation that left her speechless - I CAN NOT SEE, TELL ME WHAT DO YOU SEE!
- Power - a feeble whisper in comparison to the melodic presence of the overmind - I can see your power...
- A HUNTER... - its voice resonated across her being, reverberating in her metaspace
- ...on a hunt for power - her own melody steady now, making her presence unavoidable, something to be reckoned with.
- COME THEN - strange sadness flowing in the melody - IF YOU KNOW WHERE I AM
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Maijs. 2., 2011 | 09:58 am
We walked among the humming beams of streetlights in an almost deserted part of city. It almost felt like we were the last people on earth, but then someone appeared from around the corner; he was wearing a nice coat and a scarf lined with tiny lines; his dull eyes reflected the tiny glow of his cigarette. He was completely, blindly drunk. He staggered past us, barely able to walk the pavement, and disappeared from our sight; the feeling was gone. The air was cold and it didn't feel like spring tonight. It did not matter.
Even though we were losing our warmth fast as we were sitting on the stone stair, the music of her breath made me forget about the cold. Her wave was conveyed to me with the movement of her chest, and I was amazed with the ease at which my mind translated it on the fly. It seemed like it was perfectly in sync with my own cadence; I thought of confluence and how our overlapping waves would create a perfect storm. I knew she was the perfect partner for it. Her mischievous smile proved it.
The pavement was sliding beneath me with insane speed. It rushed by like a blur when I looked at my moving feet. A river of stone. This was not so intense as it usually was in the haze of various substances, but I realized that my mind was now capable of producing this state of surreality at will. I kept on walking and decided that I felt the globe rolling beneath my feet; I felt the earth gain momentum from the force I applied with my steps. I was safe in my ignorance, because I did not know how fast the earth was actually rotating or traveling along its orbit; this magic was forever mine until I would find out the speed of earth's rotation. It was funny to experience happiness about my lack of knowledge.
I bumped into the door and held on to a wall so I would not stumble from the momentum I had created. I physically felt the intense movement in my vestibular system; it felt like I was standing on a swaying ship and the wall was slowly changing its position in space; it was already towering over me, as if about to crush me, so I held it in place with all my strength, trying to stop the rotation I had caused. I had to calm down and understand that these feelings were self-inflicted. After a moment of deep breathing it was gone. I had always thought it amazing, how easy it was to make your mind obey. I loved these moments of aftermath; I rejoiced in the knowledge that every feeling I felt was rich and intense.
Even though we were losing our warmth fast as we were sitting on the stone stair, the music of her breath made me forget about the cold. Her wave was conveyed to me with the movement of her chest, and I was amazed with the ease at which my mind translated it on the fly. It seemed like it was perfectly in sync with my own cadence; I thought of confluence and how our overlapping waves would create a perfect storm. I knew she was the perfect partner for it. Her mischievous smile proved it.
The pavement was sliding beneath me with insane speed. It rushed by like a blur when I looked at my moving feet. A river of stone. This was not so intense as it usually was in the haze of various substances, but I realized that my mind was now capable of producing this state of surreality at will. I kept on walking and decided that I felt the globe rolling beneath my feet; I felt the earth gain momentum from the force I applied with my steps. I was safe in my ignorance, because I did not know how fast the earth was actually rotating or traveling along its orbit; this magic was forever mine until I would find out the speed of earth's rotation. It was funny to experience happiness about my lack of knowledge.
I bumped into the door and held on to a wall so I would not stumble from the momentum I had created. I physically felt the intense movement in my vestibular system; it felt like I was standing on a swaying ship and the wall was slowly changing its position in space; it was already towering over me, as if about to crush me, so I held it in place with all my strength, trying to stop the rotation I had caused. I had to calm down and understand that these feelings were self-inflicted. After a moment of deep breathing it was gone. I had always thought it amazing, how easy it was to make your mind obey. I loved these moments of aftermath; I rejoiced in the knowledge that every feeling I felt was rich and intense.
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Apr. 28., 2011 | 12:43 pm
a really pretty short film - http://vimeo.com/18455326
and a nice sketch. a tune for two - http://vimeo.com/21362582
and a nice sketch. a tune for two - http://vimeo.com/21362582
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Mar. 11., 2011 | 01:10 pm
gribas paklausīties kaut ko nenormāli episku. gribas kaut ko uz šāda stila pusi. tas laikam ir kaut kāds "ethno metal" vai kaut kas tikpat obscure, bet stilam laikam īsti nav nozīmes, ja vien tas ir TRULY EPIC gabals.
gimme your most epic tracks in the comments, plz.
gimme your most epic tracks in the comments, plz.
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Jan. 17., 2011 | 05:38 pm
šodien drusku paspēju ietestēt uz zaļās sienas safilmēto materiālu. izvilkt labu key bija apbrīnojami vienkārši, tomēr var just, ka vajag spēcīgāku kompi, lai varētu komfortabli apstrādāt 720p. te var drusku apskatīt screenshotu no viena testa. pa nakti gan jau norenderēsies, tad varēs arī aplūkot video.

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last couple of days
Jan. 16., 2011 | 09:55 pm
dabūju uz brīvdienām iemēģināt Canon EOS 7D. beidzot arī nopirku pāris 500W gaismas un pāris metrus ar zaļu drēbi. brīvdienas pavadīju dažādi izklaidējoties uz savas zaļās sienas, kas tika kombinēta ar zaļo drēbi uz grīdas. tas aparāts gan ik pēc pāris stundām pārkarst, ja visu laiku tur ieslēgtu ekrāniņu, bet to var atrisināt ar atsevišķu LCD ekrānu, kas pieslēgts aparāram pa HDMI. domāju, ka pēc kāda laika būs jānopērk līdzīgs aparāts tam 7D. ir baigā ģēla filmēt 720p uz 50fps ar foto objektīviem.

nelielai atpūtai sestdienas vakarā nolikām tehniku pie malas un aizlaidām uz karaoki, kas beidzās ar to, ka trijos nakti pie DJ dzērām "Minskas kristālu". es aizgāju gulēt ap 7iem no rīta pilnīgās lupatās.

nelielai atpūtai sestdienas vakarā nolikām tehniku pie malas un aizlaidām uz karaoki, kas beidzās ar to, ka trijos nakti pie DJ dzērām "Minskas kristālu". es aizgāju gulēt ap 7iem no rīta pilnīgās lupatās.
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the new experience
Dec. 24., 2010 | 03:42 am
nupat noskatījos "The New World". amazing. nedomāju, ka jebkad iepriekš esmu redzējis tik spilgtu storytellingu tikai caur attēliem, bez liekām kustībām vai vārdiem, ik pa brīdim to nedaudz atjaucot ar galveno varoņu saraustīto domu/sajūtu naratīvu. laikam jau ne kurš katrs režisors spēj būt tik brīvs tajā, ko viņš dara. noteikti būs jāapskata pārējie Malika darbi.
vispār man patīk skatīties labas filmas tieši pa nakti. man patīk tas, ka noguruma dēļ viss iet pa taisno uz zemapziņu.
vispār man patīk skatīties labas filmas tieši pa nakti. man patīk tas, ka noguruma dēļ viss iet pa taisno uz zemapziņu.
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more movies
Dec. 20., 2010 | 09:51 pm
pakļāvos visapkārt esošajam spiedienam un noskatījos "The American". nenožēloju. it is a breath of fresh air to watch something so simple and clean.
ir diezgan viegli piemirst, kur tad īsti ir tā kino burvība. šādas filmas par to ik pa laikam atgādina.
ir diezgan viegli piemirst, kur tad īsti ir tā kino burvība. šādas filmas par to ik pa laikam atgādina.
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sound in the movies
Aug. 28., 2010 | 03:36 am
šeit var paskatīties 50 minūšu video, kur Kamerons kopā ar saviem "sound magicians" džekiem stāsta par Avatara skaņu. ak jel, tas Kamerons ir TĀDS gīks, tāpat kā visi tie pārējie entuziastiskie frīki, kas ir viņa komandā. skatoties šo filmu es nebiju iedomājies, ka visas tās sastāvdaļas patiesībā ir tik dziļas un nozīmīgas. iespējams vajadzētu noskatīties Avataru vēlreiz, mēģinot novērtēt visus šos neskaitāmos sīkumus.
ja jums ir 50 minūtes brīva laika, noteikti paskatieties to video. these professional people are simply amazing. Kamerona un viņa komandas dedzību un izdomu patiešām var apbrīnot.
did you know that the banshee screams actually were slightly pitched down baby swans, lol?
ja jums ir 50 minūtes brīva laika, noteikti paskatieties to video. these professional people are simply amazing. Kamerona un viņa komandas dedzību un izdomu patiešām var apbrīnot.
did you know that the banshee screams actually were slightly pitched down baby swans, lol?
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nepārspējamais burbuļators
Jun. 18., 2010 | 08:18 pm
lūk, Renātei mājās ir tāds rīks, ko mēs nosaucām par burbuļatoru. viņš ir nenormāli awesome. viņu var ielikt vannā, pieliet kaut kādu putojošu šampūnu or whatever un atstāt uz mirkli. sanāk nenormāli milzīgas putas.
( check out the pics )
( check out the pics )
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trīs sivēntiņi
Jun. 9., 2010 | 04:50 pm

so yeah, I open the door slowly and I carefully look inside as she is undressing

and then she suddenly turns around and I see that she has a huge dick!
ok, I suck at this. bet jūs noteikti varat izdomāt labākus parakstus šīm bildēm. konkurss. if anyone is interested, labākā paraksta autoram divi ali no manis.
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Maijs. 21., 2010 | 02:03 am
surrender is a powerful word. it runs in opposite direction to everything Dave was taught. Dave was taught to fight for dominance - to struggle to be the best. and after years of doing just that, Dave finally arrived at the mountaintop, the pinnacle, the hallowed place where eagles crap. but Dave was still unhappy, because no matter how hard he fought, winning was an illusion - a mirage. but then, Dave thought, what would happen if I just gave up? this universe isn't meant to be dominated. it's an incomprehensible vastness which created us and to which we'll all return. so Dave surrendered and discovered a happiness he never dreamed of. a sea of bliss in which he willingly drowned. but then, he met this guy who was even happier and more blissful. you can guess the rest...
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Maijs. 6., 2010 | 04:38 pm
nu rekur es pacentos un izgriezu to foršo dziesmu no Glee sērijas. ir jādalās arī ar tiem, kas muļķīgā kārtā neskatās šo awesome seriālu. click here and download the mp4 :)
vispār man laikam ir uznākusi kaut kāda apsēstība. tīņu gadi, haha. visu rītu sēdēju netā un browsēju visādu stuffu par Glee aktieriem. izrādās, ka daļa no viņiem ir kaut kādi Brodvejas big-shot dziedātāji. un manu mīļāko tēlu - Brittany - izrādās, spēlē meitene, kura jau vairāk kā gadu dejo kopā ar Beyonce visās viņas uzstāšanās. es laikam ņēmu šo aizraušanos samērā nopietni, jo pēc kāda laika jau biju netā atradis viņas kailbildes. tajā brīdī es sapratu, ka ir jābeidz.
vispār man laikam ir uznākusi kaut kāda apsēstība. tīņu gadi, haha. visu rītu sēdēju netā un browsēju visādu stuffu par Glee aktieriem. izrādās, ka daļa no viņiem ir kaut kādi Brodvejas big-shot dziedātāji. un manu mīļāko tēlu - Brittany - izrādās, spēlē meitene, kura jau vairāk kā gadu dejo kopā ar Beyonce visās viņas uzstāšanās. es laikam ņēmu šo aizraušanos samērā nopietni, jo pēc kāda laika jau biju netā atradis viņas kailbildes. tajā brīdī es sapratu, ka ir jābeidz.
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random atradums
Maijs. 5., 2010 | 11:54 pm
jaunajā "Glee" sērijā ir absolūti krutākā "let's get physical" versija, kas jebkad ir pastāvējusi. es jau kādu 10to reizi klausos to dziesmu. got to admit, tas seriāls spārda aizvien vairāk.
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rock festival
Apr. 28., 2010 | 09:44 am
uztaisīju Saldus Saulei videoklipu.
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Apr. 14., 2010 | 02:54 pm
pēdējie īstie action varoņi, kurus ierunājuši pēdējie 80-90to videobuma zelta laiku tulki -
Expendables treilera krievu tulkojums
jau nu vispār pasaulē kaut kas ir awesome, tad tas ir šis!
Expendables treilera krievu tulkojums
jau nu vispār pasaulē kaut kas ir awesome, tad tas ir šis!
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I am afraid
Apr. 9., 2010 | 01:43 am
nupat noskatījos Kubrika "space odyssey". biju to jau redzējis agrā bērnībā un ņehuja nebiju sapratis. jāsaka, ka arī tagad es ņehuja nesapratu, tomēr HALs bija tieši tikpat šarmants kā toreiz.
Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I am afraid.
beidzot es tomēr spēju novērtēt šo filmu kā pienākas. un ienīst Kubriku līdz mūža beigām, jo tieši šī filma man jau agrā bērnībā radīja agorafobiskas sajūtas un totālas bailes no kosmosa. es tagad točna zinu no kurienes mana zemapziņa izrauj tos sapņu tēlus, kas man visvairāk riebjas. like, sajūta sapnī, ka tu esi tādā kā kokonā patiesas bezgalības ieskauts. funny shit, ka sapnī izjust kosmosa bezgalību ir krietni vien baisāk, nekā varētu likties. un būt iekšā tajā kokonā un apzināties savu niecību šīs bezgalības priekšā ir vēl baisāk. tipa, es nekad neko neatradīšu un no tā kokona neizkustēšos. it's just full of stars.
režisoru ziepēs!
Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I am afraid.
beidzot es tomēr spēju novērtēt šo filmu kā pienākas. un ienīst Kubriku līdz mūža beigām, jo tieši šī filma man jau agrā bērnībā radīja agorafobiskas sajūtas un totālas bailes no kosmosa. es tagad točna zinu no kurienes mana zemapziņa izrauj tos sapņu tēlus, kas man visvairāk riebjas. like, sajūta sapnī, ka tu esi tādā kā kokonā patiesas bezgalības ieskauts. funny shit, ka sapnī izjust kosmosa bezgalību ir krietni vien baisāk, nekā varētu likties. un būt iekšā tajā kokonā un apzināties savu niecību šīs bezgalības priekšā ir vēl baisāk. tipa, es nekad neko neatradīšu un no tā kokona neizkustēšos. it's just full of stars.
režisoru ziepēs!
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the film is finished
Mar. 26., 2010 | 12:38 am
montēšana ir beidzot pabeigta. I thought it will never happen. tagad jāķeras pie kodēšanas.
nekad dzīvē neesmu kodējs HDV priekš SD DVD, should be interesting.
cerams, ka drusku sanāks arī pagulēt...
update: izrādās, ka 30 minūtes ar FullHD video kodējas uz SD DVD apmēram 2,5 stundas. stabiņš ir uz 20% un man vēl jāgaida 2 stundas. un pēc tam vēl audio atsevišķi jārenderē. un pēc tam vēl jāburno. pulkstens ir 2:21. no sleep for me.
nekad dzīvē neesmu kodējs HDV priekš SD DVD, should be interesting.
cerams, ka drusku sanāks arī pagulēt...
update: izrādās, ka 30 minūtes ar FullHD video kodējas uz SD DVD apmēram 2,5 stundas. stabiņš ir uz 20% un man vēl jāgaida 2 stundas. un pēc tam vēl audio atsevišķi jārenderē. un pēc tam vēl jāburno. pulkstens ir 2:21. no sleep for me.
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Mar. 18., 2009 | 10:19 am
šorīt kaut kā normāli agri pamodos, uztaisīju brokastīs ceptu speķi ar olām,
un man pat bija iedvesma vienai nelielai melodijai.
this day should be good.
un man pat bija iedvesma vienai nelielai melodijai.
this day should be good.
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Mar. 10., 2009 | 10:39 am
btw šeit atrodama 'noslēpumainā filmiņa', kas piedzīvoja savu pirmizrādi phunā.
feel free to pass it along.
feel free to pass it along.