četras dimensijas

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Maijs. 9., 2012 | 11:37 am

It has been proposed that our space actually possesses a slight four-dimensional hyperthickness, so that the ultimate components of our nervous system are actually higher dimensional, thus enabling the human brain to imagine four-dimensional space(Hinton, 1888, 1904; Rucker, 1977). If this is the case, then the three-dimensional nets of neurons that code thoughts in our brain may form four-dimensional patterns to achieve four-dimensional thought.

Can we see into the 4th dimension and have four-dimensional thoughts? Yes, we can.

Proof (see Rucker, 1977, 1984): If you look at a Necker cube for a while, it spontaneously turns into its mirror image and back again. If you watch it do this often enough, the twinkling sort of motion from one state to the other begins to seem like a continuous motion. But this motion can only be continuous if it is a rotation in four-dimensional space. The mathematician August F. Möbius discovered in 1827 that it is in fact possible to turn a three-dimensional solid object into its mirror image by an appropriate rotation through four-dimensional space (a.k.a. hyperspace rotation).Thus, it is actually possible for our minds to perform such a rotation. Therefore, we can actually produce four-dimensional phenomenon in our minds, so our consciousness is four-dimensional.

[Eric W. Davis in AFRL-PR-ED-TR-2003-0034]

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Comments {9}


(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]pink_pony
date: Maijs. 9., 2012 - 01:05 pm

Vizuāls gļuks, ko kādam izraisa ilgstoša acu mežģīšana pie Necker cube, tagad ir pierādījums ceturtajai dimensijai. Well isn't that cute...

Also, lai saprastu un iztēlotos 4D rotāciju pilnīgi pietiek ar 3D izvietotiem neironiem.

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from: [info]her_crow
date: Maijs. 9., 2012 - 01:15 pm

neviens jau nesaka, ka neironi ir izvietoti vairāk kā 3D. vnk viņi ļauj reāli iedomāties 4D.

un vispār, Tu esi neglābjams. tagad jau arī zinātniski pierādītas lietas, kas konfliktē ar tavu pasaules uztveri, vairs nespēj implementēties tavos uzskatos. man vairs pat nav jāpostē new age stuffs, trololol.

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from: [info]pink_pony
date: Maijs. 9., 2012 - 02:49 pm

Izlasi vēlreiz pirmo teikumu no sava teksta, nāb!

Un kas no tā visa ir zinātniski pierādīts? Mans googles skills vispār feiloja atrast kaut ko sīkāk par 4D smadzenēm.

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(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]her_crow
date: Maijs. 9., 2012 - 03:15 pm

nu labi, es atzīstu sakāvi. šīs lietas ir pārāk eksaktas, un man ir par maz zināšanu to abuse science, lai varētu kādu troļļot. būs jāatgriežas pie new age stuffa.

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