Neo is in trouble
Maijs. 13., 2010 | 10:44 pm
apskatot crescendo linku uz Reddit, kurā tipa redzami "magic bits of evil", ar kuriem Neo nokačājis visu VID datubāzi, es smējos tik sirsnīgi, cik labu laiku nebiju smējies. hell, tie koderu komentāri pie šī raksta vnk spārda.
NitsujTPU: Can we be serious here, just for a moment! He's been caught by agents and needs to be rescued from the matrix!!
RobinOhio1: I hope Morpheous comes along soon to unplug this guy. Neo also seems kinda fat. I hope he fits in his sleeping, goo-filled tube.
UnnamedPlayer: He is not fat, that's just a mental construct of his physical self. When he pops out of the harvesting field, he will be leaner than Amy Whinehouse during her crackwhore days.
bet nu ir arī daži nopietnāki:
frozenfire: To hack is to cause a system to do something which it was not designed to do.
AdShea: No... I'm pretty sure that that web service is designed to serve those files to anyone who requests the URL for them. The arrested person in question requested the URL for all possibilities in a large range.
exhibit_n: In the US, guessing the safety answers of a gmail account (Sarah Palin's) is also called hacking.
Shambles: Well that guy actually did circumvent a security measure to fraudulently gain access to private data, whereas 'Neo' just typed in a URL.
un ja tā pavisam nopietni, es īsti nesaprotu ko tas Neo mēģināja panākt nokačājot visus šos datus, ja amatpersonu deklarācijas ir brīvi pieejamas visiem. vai arī tas, ko viņš nokačāja, nebija publiski pieejams?
NitsujTPU: Can we be serious here, just for a moment! He's been caught by agents and needs to be rescued from the matrix!!
RobinOhio1: I hope Morpheous comes along soon to unplug this guy. Neo also seems kinda fat. I hope he fits in his sleeping, goo-filled tube.
UnnamedPlayer: He is not fat, that's just a mental construct of his physical self. When he pops out of the harvesting field, he will be leaner than Amy Whinehouse during her crackwhore days.
bet nu ir arī daži nopietnāki:
frozenfire: To hack is to cause a system to do something which it was not designed to do.
AdShea: No... I'm pretty sure that that web service is designed to serve those files to anyone who requests the URL for them. The arrested person in question requested the URL for all possibilities in a large range.
exhibit_n: In the US, guessing the safety answers of a gmail account (Sarah Palin's) is also called hacking.
Shambles: Well that guy actually did circumvent a security measure to fraudulently gain access to private data, whereas 'Neo' just typed in a URL.
un ja tā pavisam nopietni, es īsti nesaprotu ko tas Neo mēģināja panākt nokačājot visus šos datus, ja amatpersonu deklarācijas ir brīvi pieejamas visiem. vai arī tas, ko viņš nokačāja, nebija publiski pieejams?