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Nov. 30th, 2010|04:33 pm

Es domāju, ka nav pat īsti problēma, ka naudu dod studentiem, bet, kā jau tika atzīmēts, ka problēmas drīzāk ir ar mūsu profesoriem..
Attiecībā uz filozofiju tas ir īpaši redzams. Piem., kāds visnotaļ cienījams profesors kādā interneta diskusijā izpildījās šādi (manuprāt, taisnīgi):
I should simply comment on the above that it seems to me that the absence of logic in the philosophy curriculum in LU is definitely a retrograde step, not reaching a new civilization high. Only if you buy in a preposterous narrative about the history of philosophy (from the same people who supposedly warned us against grand narratives) can you think that philosophy ought to divest itself of its link with logic (and what comes with it) as the way to go about and improve itself. (Looks more like getting rid of people who don't think so.) This move, I think, will insure that philosophy in Latvia will remain backwaters and insignificant and it is a pity. I find it strange that the old soviet-era profs were able to keep such a tight control on the curriculum, but frankly not that they would recycle themselves, to do so by draping themselves with the causes of the French postmodernists. It is highly paradoxical -to use their arms: in psychoanalysis when one keeps talking about something it is usually indicative of a deep-seated problem - that the same people who keep boasting in a self-righteous way about "the Other" and "difference", and actually end up rejecting alternative views and act like complete fascists in their own turf. Actually, knowing better the situation in French philosophy than all Latvian philosophers put together.. utt.
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