28 Aprīlis 2018 @ 18:36
Kiss me, my girl, before i get sick.  
Phantom Thread (2017)

I want you flat on your back. Helpless, tender, open with only me to help. And then I want you strong again. You're not going to die. You might wish you're going to die, but you're not going to. You need to settle down a little.

Alma: Why are you not married?

Reynolds Woodcock: I make dresses.

Alma: You cannot be married when you make dresses?

Reynolds Woodcock: I'm certain I was never meant to marry. I'm a confirmed bachelor. I'm incurable.

Reynolds Woodcock: Marriage would make me deceitful and I don't ever want that.

Reynolds Woodcock: When I was a boy, I started to hide things in the lining of the garments. Things only I knew were there. Secrets. You can sew almost anything into the canvas of a coat.

Tieši tik kontrolēts un nocietinājies sevī, lai indīgu sēņu ēšana viņa gadījumā kļūtu par mīlas afrodīziju. Ā, kleitas? Nu tās es arī pamanīju, jā. Skaistas, skaistas..

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Heda[info]heda on 28. Aprīlis 2018 - 21:17
Andersona un Deja Lūisa kino izraisa tikpat traku atkarību kā Vudkoka kleitas filmas dāmām. Gribas vēl.
(Atbildēt) (Diskusija) (Link)
Nestandarts[info]heishy on 29. Aprīlis 2018 - 09:31
Baudījums, tā gan.
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