Заметки алкоголика и придурка

22. Marts 2020

09:31 - #NotAllCorona #StopCoronaphobia

Kur bija panika, kad migranti spridzināja Mančestras koncertu. Kur bija panika, kad pakiju bandas izvaroja desmitiem tūkstošu mazu meitenīšu UK? Kur bija panika, kad liekēdīgu arābu un nēģeru uzturēšanai zviedrijas pašvaldības bankrotē un vairs nevar samaksāt pensijas veciem zviedriem? Kur? Tagad mums ir vīrus, kuru ievazājuši tie paši varotāji, spridzinātāji un darmajedi, bet savilkt svītriņas starp punktiņiem vēl ar vien atsakās. Ar viltus panikantiem mēs zivis barosim.


10:57 - muh freedumbs & dumbocracy

You are essentially looking for wisdom in the wrong people. The "common folks" never determine the culture, the intellectuals do. A civilization is the property of the people who make it, not the people who just happen to live under it, and the civilization of the middle ages was a highly spiritual one, and people were brought to it because the common man doesn't really know or understands much of anything and if left on his own devices he would just chase his passions and desires without having anything to guide him to a proper direction. Notice that this is the state of most people today, because our elites have figured out you can control people by unleashing their passions, which was the opposite of what the elites in the middles ages were doing. It's kinda funny though how you think "liberating" people from the slavery of their passions was a form of oppression, where as modernity using passions and desires as a drug to control people and reduce them to slavery and consumerism is a form of "freedom".


But either way, his (šajā gadūjumā par Haidnu) music shows the problem with humanistic art because unless the work in question is a masterpiece there's really little value to a composition (as a vast number of his symphonies demonstrate, since most of them were written to be "enjoyed" for a bit and then forgotten) where as in sacred art it is the form itself that carries all the meaning hence why the concept of the genius didn't exist in the middle ages, and why there are no "trivial" works in sacred art, regardless of the skill or genius of the individual artist. Every cathedral is a masterwork, every sacred icon is fully capable of conveying the deeper meaning this art was intended to express.
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