Заметки алкоголика и придурка

17. Augusts 2019

14:40 - soy overload

"Study: Too Many People Think Satirical News Is Real"
Haha no shit. Ja komuņagām būtu kaut nedaudz self-awareness, varbūt viņiem nevajadzētu 'pētījumus', lai saprastu kāpēc tā.

"Babylon bee, that's the site that is being targeted by snopes. The SJWs who run Snopes have a hard-on for the Bee site for whatever reason, and are working hard to get Facebook to classify the Babylon Bee as a "fake news" website so it gets blacklisted.

Bee is a satire/parody site. Snopes/SJWs want to get it branded as a site that spreads willful political misinformation because they don't like being made fun of and want sites like that gone."


"Look, it boils down to this. You either have a mono culture or you have no culture. Now it is a sad fact of life that humans gonna human, often against the express commandments of the founders of the culture in question, but it's not like that is going to change once you give up cultural exclusivism. You are now being coerced to accept globo homo in the same way you were coerced to accept the state religion in some former era, so what's the difference, besides the fact in the past you were forced to accept something good where as now you have to comply to something evil? You are still being coerced one way or another, aren't you?"
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