Sutas Balss 2009 |
[18 Aug 2009|11:15am] |
A (no skatuves): Pasaules valdnieks ir smaidošs kl*t*rs! Mēs esam vergi, jo mums st*v! B (no skatītājiem): Kā tu mani jau z*j*b*l! C (no skatītājiem): Katru gadu viens un tas pats!
Ja man likās, ka pagaišgad bija maz cilvēku, tad šogad cilvēku bija katastrofāli maz. Manas cerības, ka 2006.gada sutenieks varētu kādreiz atkārtoties, otro reizi nepiepildījās, tāpēc šis sutenieks man būs pēdējais. Izņemot, ja Čerbikovs sapratīs, ka vairāk par 5Ls par ieeju uz šo pasākumu prasīt nedrīkst, jo pārsvarā to apmeklē bērni. Vai arī, ja pats tur spēlēšu.
Bet brīvā skatuve ar Krišu vadībā tomēr bija labais.
Siltumnīcas |
[11 Aug 2009|12:01pm] |
Šogad biju plānojis uzbūvēt siltumnīcu pie šķūņa dienvidu sienas. Nezāles tur vienmēr ir bijušas kuplas, tātad vieta laba. Laika, protams, pietika vienīgi, lai ierīkotu tur dobi, kur ar kārtīgu novēlošanos (jūnijā) tika iestādītas 4 gurķu sēklas, no kurām uzdīga tikai viena. Tagad tas gurķis ir spēcīgāks par visiem citiem, kuriem pat plēve tika turēta virsū. Iespējams, ka to noteica kūtsmēsli, kurus es saliku diezgan. Taču man gribas domāt, ka noteicošais bija tomēr šķūņa baltā siena, kura saules staros sasila un tādējādi apsildīja arī apkārtni. Izdomāju, ka siltumnīcas tad ir labāk būvēt tā, lai ziemeļu siena būtu necaurspīdīga un balta vai ar spoguļiem. Stiklot ziemeļu sienu ir bezjēdzīgi, jo saule no tās puses spīd vienīgi ap jāņiem agri no rīta un vēlu vakarā, ja horizontā nav mākoņu.
Kokle |
[07 Aug 2009|11:54pm] |
Es mīlu kokles skaņas. Ko man koklīte atgādina?
Emptied by abundance |
[07 Aug 2009|10:33pm] |
Prātā tik daudz ieceres. Lai tās piepildītu, man būs nepieciešami gadi. Vēlams, lai man nekas cits prātā vairs nenāktu. Gribas ne tik daudz dzīvot pēc iecerēm, kuras sāk ieņemt programmas veidolu un kuru iznākumu es jau iepriekš varu paredzēt, cik pēc šī brīža vislabākajām iespējām, ko dod dzīve. Bet ja ar kādu šī brīža iespēju sakrīt vēl kāda nepiepildīta iecere, tad iespēju nevar izmantot - "rokas aizņemtas".
Gribētos vairāk Default stāvokļu dzīvē, kad nekas "nedeg", ne par ko nevajag iespringt, nekas nav jāapgūst - es tikai gaidītu kādu jaunu iespēju. Gaidītu ar brīvām, atplestām rokām. Un kad tā parādītos, veltītu tai visu savu laiku un spēku.
Conversations with God 004 |
[29 Jul 2009|06:10pm] |
I was looking for an old wooden shack full of violins on the bank of the river Daugava. Instead of the shack I found a small concrete garage. Inside this garage was a church whith no crosses and icons to praise, no priests to listen, no chairs to sit back and relax. No organ, too.
There was just one violin in this shack. There was also this young man, that invited people in and made everyone dance. Later an old man came, took the violin and started to play. After hours of joy, the old man went away and I took the violin for the last song.
I played and realised, that I don't want to quit it. Fingers do their job for themselves without my command.
What and why was leading my fingers? The more I played, the stronger was that force.
I also understood, why there was only one violin in this shack. I didn't take mine with.
Operation eagle eye cyclops 01 |
[27 Jul 2009|04:04pm] |
Early morning in the country I put on my soft lenses and go to the field. While working I seem to lose one of my lenses. I continue to work with only one lense and discover, that it does not disturb me much.
I never thought of wearing only one lens, but it brings much opportunities. First of all, one can save 50%, because twice as less lenses are used. Second, one can prolong the time of "zvaigžņu stunda" (star hour - the time, when lenses are worn) twice - one eye 8h and another eye 8h.
Driving a car with only one lens is a bad idea though. Especially with high negative diopters. Another eye has to be covered then. Otherwise opposite direction car lights have this huge look which distracts attention a lot.
Oh, and about that lost lens - later I found it in the corner of my eye.
Dreamcatching |
[22 Jul 2009|06:01pm] |
Drinking a lot of water or tea before going to sleep is a good practice for those, willing to catch some dreams. Alarm clock could work too, but not for such a sleepy type as me.
Have to stand up early in the morning and go to for a little walk to a water closet. Then return to bed and... showtime! So easy.
Shrek |
[22 Jul 2009|05:45pm] |
I would've put Shrek's face as my avatar here. But his face is too kind. Moreover, power armor from Fallout 2 suites my character much more. However... Shrek has layers, like onion, so it's symbolically the same. Then what? I guess, my face expression is very much like that of power armor.
Life goes on - survival game |
[22 Jul 2009|05:30pm] |
Life has turned into survival game - a job just for the money, garden just for the food, home just to spend nights, heart empty. My job is of no direct benefit to society and people. My garden has no flowers, just vegetables. My home is so messed and actually not mine, that I can never invite anybody there.
My heart? Filled with ghosts - memories and thoughts of people, that I simply can't meet. People, that are too far away. People, that changed too much, just like me. People, died. People too nice for me to be match to them.
I take a guitar and scare all the ghosts away. But I can't play all the time and all my life. And they come back. I wish I could play all my life. I'd be happy then.
Boost up your life 01 - Nutrition |
[13 Jul 2009|08:00pm] |
Sometimes people have difficulties in their lives. People make mistakes.
I was wondering of the reason of all mistakes. I make them too, and I want to get rid of them.
My current theory is, that nutrition, or, to say simple, food, or, to say more precise, quality of food, is the basis of how all the human activities run. ( Read more... )
Whoa?! |
[13 Jul 2009|05:57pm] |
Poll #16412
Open to: All, results viewable to: All"Dein Deutsch ist besser als dein English!" Vai tas varētu būt...
Nevis ekonomika, bet matemātika |
[08 Jul 2009|07:15pm] |
Poll #16381 Nevis ekonomika, bet matemātika
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllLūdzu lielus ekonomikas korifejus atbildēt man uz šādu jautājumu. Ja valsts izdod 100 naudas vienības, nodod tās bankām, bet bankas aizdod cilvēkiem ar 10% likumi, KUR cilvēki dabūs tos 10%??
Holy water |
[08 Jul 2009|07:13pm] |
Noskatījos Home. Aizkustinoši. Taču krievu "Ūdens" pārspēj visu! Pirms gada te rakstīju par japāni, kas noskaidroja, ka ūdens jūt un iegaumē cilvēku emocijas. Taču tas, ka Ķīnieši veic valdības pasūtītus pētījumus par strukturētā (svētā) ūdens izmantošanu saimniecībā, ir jau neticami, kur izrādās, ka svētais ūdens paātrina ražas nogatavošanos un daudzumu, kā arī to var veiksmīgi izmantot kā 5%piedevu degvielai, kā rezultātā palielinoties dzinēja jauda un samazinoties degvielas patēriņš.
Taisīt smukas sniegpārsliņas, tas ir viens, taču izmantot to sadzīvē, ir pavisam kas cits. Bet es neticēšu līdz galam, kamēr nepamēģināšu pats. Tāpēc nebrīnaties, ja braucot cauri laukiem kaut kur Latvijas austrumos redzēsiet kādu dīvaini dziedam Dieva slavēšanas dziesmas kartupeļu lauka vidū. Tas visticamāk būšu es.
Stained |
[08 Jul 2009|07:12pm] |
Sometimes people, that dump me, years later change their mind and even ask me out. My feelings are gone by then, and no matter how I wish for those feelings to come back to me, that never happens. And there is this thought on my mind: "Come on! I can finally take that all, I ever dreamed of once! Here it is! And nothing?! I simply don't want it anymore??"
The explaination is, if something is dumped, it gets stained. If somebody dumps another person, then changes her mind, must realize then, taking back something out of the trashcan usually means a lot of cleaning afterwards.
Sweet dreams |
[08 Jul 2009|07:11pm] |
Kad pamodos šorīt, ieraudzīju, ka no tumbiņas blakus gultai ir nogāzta kompaktdisku kaste. Tas noteikti notika pa nakti, kamēr gulēju, tieši pie manas auss. Blīkšķim bija jābūt pamatīgam, bet es it neko nedzirdēju. Gribētos zināt, kādā veidā es to kasti nogāzu. Iedomāties nevaru.
Fading smiles in concrete boxes |
[05 Jul 2009|07:36pm] |
Oh those women... When I was a teenigger, I dreamed of a life with a woman in the city with party, stylish clothes, hi-tech electronics, appartment in a skyscrapper, family of no more than three children and a job in an office in front of a computer monitor. I went towards it. No woman ever paid interest to me back then. So I decided to change and give it all up.
Today in my late twenties I dream and move towards a country life with no traces of civilization, no electricity, only me, the planet, God, a family of as much children as possible, not counting the incountable grandchildren and so on... and of course a woman beside me. Twodaysaweekcountrylife with it's environment of free space, pure food, clean water and fresh air made my shoulders a little bit broader, my back straight, my heart brave. Maybe it's only a coincidence, but women finally start to express attention towards me, and more and more with each moon. But...
only as far, as I keep the source of my essence in secret. The very thing, that makes me better, scares people away. Well, I never keep it a secret actually and reveal my dreams almost to everyone. Especially to those, that I like the most. And this is the ironical part - it pushes away almost everyone. Even if I don't mention a thing about children. The closer are the people, the further they get pushed away.
I am so tired to fade ladie's smiles with what's in my heart. I guess I am on the edge of giving up my last hope to find someone, who doesn't require a concrete box around her throughout the whole lifetime. My last hope is...
...that I am only on the halfway to my goals.
Eyes |
[05 Jul 2009|07:28pm] |
Šodien viena lēca nejauši noslīdēja no radzenes un apmaldījās kaut kur acu ābola perifērijā. Prātā ienāca doma, ka taupības ietvaros arī turpmāk es varētu staigāt tikai ar vienu lēcu. Iespējams, ka brīvās acs redze uzlabotos. Vienīgais, ka jāatsakās no brillēm pilnībā un jaizdoma, kā visu dienas lietišķo daļu iekļaut astoņās redzīgajās zvaigžņu stundās.
Vasaras saulgrieži 2009 |
[22 Jun 2009|08:01am] |
Laiks, kad vienā un tai pašā logā var vērot gan saulrietu, gan rītausmu.
Vakar pēc saulrieta, kad gāju gulēt, biju pārliecināts, ka spēšu pamosties tieši uz rītausmu pat bez modinātāja. Tā arī notika. Noskatījos sauli, tad izgāju ārā un nomazgāju kājas rasā.
Tāpat kā skaņa, ja attālinās, tad tonis pazeminās, un ja tuvojas, tad tonis paaugstinās, arī saules gaisma ir spilgtāka rītausmā, nekā saulrietā.
Zinu, ka arī bez manis ir cilvēki, kas atzīmē vasaras saulgriežus tieši tad, kad tie patiešām ir. Bet es vēl neesmu viņus saticis.
Teiciens |
[14 Jun 2009|05:03pm] |
Dodiet Dievam iespēju dot Jums iespēju!!
Conversations with Satan 005 |
[30 May 2009|12:21am] |
I have finally built my own church deep under the ground. I usually meet God there in person. He advises me in many things.
Next thing, what I see, is a girl on Šķūņu street (near the Dome square) in the Center of Riga. This is a place, where usually some musitians also play today. SHe seems to have a protest against something. To exress this protest she tries to perform a breakdance move called Babyfreeze, which is the simplest of the freezes. She does not do it right. I try to show her, how, but I feel that my legs have become so much heavier since the last time I made this move. I could barely show, how to do it.
Afterwards I decide to go and by some russian chocolate soufflé candy in the central market. In my real life I like that candy the most, but still I try to avoid buying them - sweets are sweets after all. It was already evening, on the 13.january street near the tram stop I see a group of girls in bikini dancing. I and other people come closer, girls take tops off. Seems like I know some of the girls, because then we talk while they continue to dance, and I smile and say, how attractive they look. I feel embarrassed a bit, so I go away.
I return to my underground church and see God taking off God's clothes and face, behind which he appears to be Satan with legs and horns that of a buck. He comes closer and I see two imaginary (invisible, not real) swords in his hands. I also imagine a shield and a sword in my hands, and we start to fight. I seem to be a better fighter than Devil, I cut him several times, but he has a very good indurance, so it doesn't affect him much. Anyway, I could win him with time, but something happenned and he simply started to ignore my shield, thus cutting me much and strong. I lose all my strength and fall on my knees helpless. Satan has won and was ready to finish me off. I started to weap and asked for a moment to pray God. Satan smiled. He stood over me and started to spill salt over me as if he was going to eat me.
Suddenly I hear light steps getting closer - some young woman entered my underground church. I wanted to turn around and look, but I had no force to move. I could feel, that was a special person, but I had no idea who and what exactly she was. She stopped near us and was watching. I expected her to do something to help me, but she just stood and did nothing.