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[12. Nov 2014|10:03]
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Date:12. Novembris 2014 - 13:01
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for those of us that believe in God but love science know this problem has already happened via Satan...a powerful created being but sought to replace his maker.

The story of Satan's fall is a good allegory for the possibility inherent in AI.
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Date:12. Novembris 2014 - 13:23
For those of us that don't believe in nonsense and love science, books like Bostrom's Superintelligence is both a precaution and a tremendous encouragement. Intelligence is acceleration, is escape.

Pie tam, ja vien Elons nav piepeši un neklātienē "uzkāries", tad viņš šeit nevis nāk klajā ar saviem uzskatiem (sk. "Do I think that there's some sort of master intelligence architecting all of this stuff? I think probably not because then you have to say: 'Where does the master intelligence come from?' So it sort of begs the question. So I think really you can explain this with the fundamental laws of physics. You know it's complex phenomenon from simple elements."), bet ļoti, ļoti neveikli artikulē ideju par to, ka superinteliģents AI ir potenciāls eksistenciālā riska faktors, kam es piekrītu kā premisai (cf., bet ne kā imperatīvam atkāpties.