making sense - [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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[28. Jul 2014|10:53]
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saiteatstāt nospiedumu

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Date:28. Jūlijs 2014 - 14:03
"No one apologizes for bad science in the west. They do what they do and are simply ignored. There is no cheating. There are those paid to do botched research, there are those that chase government money, and there are those that simply suck at it. But in the west, it's all fair game. It's all part of science."

But in Japan? This.
This is cultural. And it is distant from any scientific culture elsewhere. She didn't kill a patient. She just mislabeled some diagrams and shuffled some numbers. In Japan, you are not entitled to your own opinion or your own science."
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Date:28. Jūlijs 2014 - 16:56
Was she totally sober when she did that? I'm from Japan. This woman has lost all face. Nobody would hire her anymore where i used live.