making sense - Komentāri [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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19. Jun 2013|08:13


Judkovskis tur nekļūdās. Otrais skaidrojums, līdzīgi pirmajam, prasa aprakstīt vētru kā fizikālu procesu (jo, vienalga, kāds būtu to cēlonis, meteoroloģiski fenomeni paliek meteoroloģiski fenomeni), taču papildus tas prasa aprakstīt arī maģijas darbības mehānismu, vismaz daļu kognitīvo procesu raganu prātos (kuri šeit ir neizbēgami daļa no vienādojuma)...

No tā paša teksta:

"If anger seems simple, it's because we don't see all the neural circuitry that's implementing the emotion. [..] The complexity of anger, and indeed the complexity of intelligence, was glossed over by the humans who hypothesized Thor the thunder-agent.

To a human, Maxwell's Equations take much longer to explain than Thor. Humans don't have a built-in vocabulary for calculus the way we have a built-in vocabulary for anger. You've got to explain your language, and the language behind the language, and the very concept of mathematics, before you can start on electricity.

[And yet] it is enormously easier [..] to write a computer program that simulates Maxwell's Equations, compared to a computer program that simulates an intelligent emotional mind like Thor."

Tiesa gan, tajā pašā gaismā es piekrītu tēzei par to, ka paļauties uz intuitīvu saprotamību vai estētisku pievilcīgumu morāles (un jelkādu citu) hipotēžu izvērtēšanā ir bīstami - tieši a.m. iemeslu dēļ.

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