making sense - [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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[20. Aug 2011|22:08]
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Date:21. Augusts 2011 - 23:01
Baseline humans are already partially obsolete (how much of the total information flow a single individual can handle and process in any given time frame, provided adequate connection to it - one basis point at very best, usually much less than that).

It is in the light of the status quo developing as it is now, that can be seen clearly: human enhancement is a prime directive in order for humanity to endure the test by the technological law of accelerating returns.
[User Picture]
Date:22. Augusts 2011 - 09:04
100% piekrītu - un ja nopietni, JC-HELIOS valdība bija labākais kas varēja notikt deus ex un manuprāt ja realizējams tad labākais arī dzīvē. taisnība, daži mainīgie šurpu-turpu realizētos kā ārkārtīgi optimizēts blitzkrieg =)))))
[User Picture]
Date:22. Augusts 2011 - 23:39
Your mom is obsolete :>