September 28th, 2020
12:31 pm Bergman on Godard: “I’ve never gotten anything out of his movies. They have felt constructed, faux intellectual and completely dead. Cinematographically uninteresting and infinitely boring. Godard is a fucking bore. He’s made his films for the critics.”
Mazliet šķiet tāds "well well who should be talking..." :D
tur tā lieta, viņi taču abi ir pretentious assholes :D te varbūt darbojas psiholoģijas fenomens, ka visvairāk besī cilvēki, kuros saskati savus trūkumus
O jā. Tāpat mani uzjautrina tas, kā Orsonam besī Antonioni. Par citiem režisoriem vienmēr atsakās kaut ko dirsties, bet ja par Antonioni... uh!!!! |
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