[May. 28th, 2014|08:45 am] |
Somebody gets into trouble, then gets out of it again. People love that story. They never get tired of it. (c) Kurt Vonnegut |
[Feb. 23rd, 2014|11:44 am] |
There are two kinds of pain: the sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain—the sort of pain that is only suffering |
[Mar. 23rd, 2012|11:53 am] |
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin |
[Feb. 24th, 2012|11:58 am] |
Neviens cilvēks nevar kļūt svešāks par to, kuru kādreiz esam mīlējuši... /E.M.Remarks/ |
[Oct. 26th, 2011|11:06 am] |
"Vīrieši ir cūkas, tādēļ, ka kāda kuce viņus par tādiem ir pataisījusi!" (c) I.
Nenosmieties :D |
Dienas citāts |
[Sep. 23rd, 2011|11:44 am] |
Nekas neatsaldē cilvēku no cilvēka ātrāk un pilnīgāk kā atraidīta labvēlība. /Rūdolfs Blaumanis/ |
[Aug. 26th, 2011|02:13 pm] |
The significant problems of our time cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them. - Albert Einstein |
Dienas citāts |
[Jun. 29th, 2011|05:41 pm] |
Dienas citāts šodien pieder wilkacis : "Jaunā SVF vadītāja-nedzērāja, veģetāriete, aizraujas ar jogu un
dārzkopību. Interesanta SVF sejas maiņa pēc izvirtušā ebreju komunista ."
Nenosmieties :D
[Jun. 15th, 2011|04:07 pm] |
"It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it." - Oscar Wilde |
[Jun. 12th, 2011|07:23 pm] |
Šodienas citāts: Всегда найдется человек, который поступит с тобой так же, как ты когда-то поступил с другим. |
Dienas citāts |
[Jun. 10th, 2011|11:05 am] |
Civilizācija: eskimosi saņem siltus dzīvokļus un tiem jāstrādā, lai nopirktu ledusskapi. /H.Laubs/ |
Dienas citāts |
[Jun. 4th, 2011|06:42 pm] |
Roses are red - And ready for plucking - You're sixteen - And ready for high school. (c) Kurt Vonnegut |
Dienas citāts |
[May. 10th, 2011|08:01 pm] |
There is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem. |
Dienas citāts |
[Mar. 25th, 2011|10:18 am] |
Piedzīvojuši makšķernieki labi zina, ka viena otra zivs mēdz uzķerties arī uz plika āķa. /Uldis Ģērmanis/
:) |
Dienas citāts |
[Mar. 15th, 2011|10:48 am] |
Neieredzot kādu, tu neieredzi viņā kaut ko tādu, kas ir tevī pašā. Tas, kas mums nepiemīt, mūs neuztrauc. /Hermanis Hese/ |
Dienas citāts |
[Feb. 25th, 2011|08:50 am] |
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke) |
Dienas citāts |
[Feb. 14th, 2011|03:37 pm] |
Any advice is given in good faith and without warranty. |
[Feb. 11th, 2011|10:14 am] |
Laimīgas beigas ir priekš sisīšiem.
Tough times do not last, tough people do. |
Dienas citāts |
[Jan. 9th, 2011|02:47 pm] |
No matter how much you change, you still have to pay the price for the mistakes you've made. |
Dienas citāts |
[Dec. 20th, 2010|11:37 am] |
Tā vietā, lai sūdzētos, ka mums nav viss, ko mēs gribam, vajadzētu būt pateicīgiem, ka nesaņemam visu, ko esam pelnījuši. /D.Hildebrands/
Tieši mērķī. |
Dienas citāts |
[Nov. 24th, 2010|09:54 am] |
..going back in all directions sleeping these insane hours. I'll never wake up in a good mood again. (c) Jim Morrison. |
[Oct. 30th, 2010|02:30 pm] |
No rīta es kaļu plānus, bet dienā es daru muļķības. /Voltērs/
Šis citāts toč ir par mani :D |
Starp citu, dienas citāts: |
[Oct. 29th, 2010|07:47 pm] |
Akmens, šķēres, apinīts - viens, divi, rīts! /Autors nezināms/ |
[Oct. 22nd, 2010|07:18 pm] |
Dienas citāts: Labi ir tur, kur mūsu nav. Bet mēs noteikti tur ieradīsimies un visu sabojāsim! |
[Oct. 9th, 2010|02:24 pm] |
DJ vakar izspļāva: Free your mind and ass will follow.
Sasodīti smieklīgi :D |
Dienas citāts |
[Oct. 1st, 2010|09:44 am] |
"Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway." (c) Mary Kay Ash |
Dienas citāts |
[Sep. 24th, 2010|11:37 am] |
Kauns nav nezināt, kauns ir izlikties, ka zini. /Arvīds Skalbe/ |
Dienas citāts |
[Sep. 22nd, 2010|10:18 am] |
Tas,ko tu nevari dabūt, vienmēr liekas labāks par to, kas tev pieder.Tā arī izpaužas cilvēka dzīves romantika un idiotisms. |
Dienas citāts |
[Aug. 11th, 2010|02:00 pm] |
Женщина хочет сначала походить с мужчиной по театрам и ресторанам, чтобы понять, стоит ли идти к нему домой, а мужчина хочет сначала привести женщину домой, чтобы понять, стоит ли водить ее по театрам и ресторанам.
Autors, diemžēl, nezināms. |
[Aug. 4th, 2010|02:52 pm] |
"Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk." Doug Larson |
Dienas citāti |
[Aug. 3rd, 2010|10:50 am] |
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas Edison
"Better three hours too soon than a minute too late." - William Shakespeare |
[Jul. 14th, 2010|09:12 am] |
Dienas citāts "Dzērājs mierīgi var būt arī ja nedzer. Dzērājus nosaka pēc tā, ka viņi nekad nezina kad turēt savu motherfucking muti." (c) Veidenbaums |
Dienas citāts |
[Jul. 10th, 2010|05:59 pm] |
Nekad nesarežģī to, ko var izdarīt vienkārši! Tā ir viena no lielajām dzīves gudrībām.Taču grūti realizējama. It īpaši inteliģentiem un romantiķiem.
(Ē.M. Remarks)
A izrādās Ziemeļbriedis Austrālijā. Skumji. |
[Jul. 8th, 2010|11:00 am] |
Dienas citāts: "There is love enough in this world for everybody, if people will just look." (c) Kurt Vonnegut |
Dienas citāts |
[May. 26th, 2010|05:03 pm] |
In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. (c) Albert Camus |
[May. 21st, 2010|10:13 am] |
"I don't get all the women that I want - I get all the women that want me." - David Lee Roth
Bet nu ir tā, ir. |
Dienas citāts |
[May. 18th, 2010|08:17 am] |
I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center. (c) Kurt Vonnegut |
Dienas citāts |
[May. 12th, 2010|09:26 am] |
New knowledge is the most valuable commodity on earth. The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become. (c) Kurt Vonnegut |
Dienas citāts |
[May. 10th, 2010|09:43 am] |
Technology is only as good as the results it delivers. |
Citāts |
[Apr. 26th, 2010|11:48 am] |
Work is play with a larger social purpose. (c) John Kador |
Dienas citāts |
[Apr. 20th, 2010|08:53 pm] |
Getting answers is easy, now, getting truth, that takes work. |
Dienas citāts |
[Apr. 3rd, 2010|10:03 am] |
Roses are red - And ready for plucking - You're sixteen - And ready for high school. (c) Kurt Vonnegut |
Dienas citāts |
[Mar. 13th, 2010|03:50 pm] |
"Never let your memories be greater than your dreams." Doug Ivester |
Dienas citāts |
[Mar. 1st, 2010|09:39 am] |
"Science and Mother Nature are in a marriage where Science is always surprised to come home and find Mother Nature blowing the neighbour." |
dienas citāts |
[Feb. 25th, 2010|11:51 am] |
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. (c) Kurt Vonnegut |
Dienas citāts |
[Feb. 23rd, 2010|11:30 am] |
If a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth.
Izvēlēsimies izteicienus. |
Dienas citāts |
[Feb. 22nd, 2010|11:15 am] |
Greizsirdība ir bailes, ka otrs būs laimīgs bez tevis. |
Dienas citāts |
[Feb. 12th, 2010|12:50 pm] |
Attention: if you hear voices in your head, it must be Google testing a new service! |
Dienas citāts |
[Feb. 8th, 2010|05:19 pm] |
"The way to succeed is to double your error rate." Thomas J. Watson |
Dienas citāts |
[Feb. 3rd, 2010|10:35 am] |
We're all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars. (c) Tatsuya Ishida |