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Jun. 12., 2008 | 02:51 pm

Kuras ir tavas mīļākās mūzikas grupas vai dziesmas no 1990 līdz 2000 gadam?

p.s. kuras ir labākās dziesmas no SUEDE un PULP?

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Comments {13}


aizmirsu virsrakstu

from: [info]tie_puteksni
date: Jun. 12., 2008 - 10:01 pm

Varu piebilst Mansun, The Stone Roses un The Charlatans

Pulp: I Spy, Sorted for E's and Whizz, Little Girl (With Blue Eyes), Common People, Disco 2000

Suede: Everything Will Flow, Metal Mickey, So Young, The Drowners, The Wild Ones un Can't Get Enought

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