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10:31: Tas ir jāizdara!!!


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Date:1. Februāris 2007 - 12:25

turpinājums in english& link

This is a protest action for more attention for climate problems.
It is made to reach as many people as possible.

To focus the attention of government, media and public on the
changing climate, everyone should set off the personal energy
(esp. light) on 1th february between 19.55 and 20.00 o'clock.

The action comes from France, so the time should be calculated
like there (GMT+1). The date is chosen because the UNO will
publish their new cognitions about climate change on this day.

You can also visit the campaign's webpage on:
(partner of the "Alliance for our Planet", a network of different
environmental groups).
Please spread the message around as far as possible!
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