: who's that girl? - zippo.

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> more life

Augusts 9., 2007

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11:27 - zippo.

A Zippo lighter is a refillable, metal lighter manufactured by Zippo Manufacturing Company. Thousands of different styles and designs have been made in the seven decades since their introduction. They are frequently collected.

(10 with milk | cup of coffee?)


Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 11:32
taste of times long gone but not forgotten.
[User Picture]
Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 11:53
i want it.
Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 20:02
the desires of mortal men. some of them would be so easy to give in for, if only we had also means of fulfilling them.
[User Picture]
Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 21:14
little joys of life :)
Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 21:40
yes, oh, yes. moments, glimpses and all these transients that may not be overall meaning of the life, but they certainly make it more worth of living it.
[User Picture]
Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 22:26
oh, but who knows the overall meaning of life. well, ok, maybe i do. but, i mean, does it matter? nay, it does not.
Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 22:56
it does not, indeed. but still, could you tell your version of it? i'm sure it's not '42', as states the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
[User Picture]
Date:10. Augusts 2007 - 09:00
es uzrakstīju atbildi un nospiedu "liec tik iekšā!", kad man tika atslēgts internets.
Date:10. Augusts 2007 - 10:11
universe acts in mysterious ways, don't you think? (half-wink, half-smile)
[User Picture]
Date:11. Augusts 2007 - 02:50
exactly :>

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