: who's that girl? - fortune cookie:

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Augusts 8., 2007

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18:29 - fortune cookie:
the first step to better times is to imagine them

(15 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:8. Augusts 2007 - 18:36
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Date:8. Augusts 2007 - 19:25
paldies. shis ir labs.
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Date:8. Augusts 2007 - 21:17
whether i'm speaking here, or it's just my momentarily cynicism, i don't know, but - i think i can imagine the better times, but what's next?
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Date:8. Augusts 2007 - 22:05
next - you do something about it.
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Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 03:42
if mine
and your
could they
be true?
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Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 10:15
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Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 11:17
i had a hope for answer like this.
a splash of some red liquid on the street.
definitely not blood but it still recalls.
the ardent red on the dark grey.
art is everywhere.
[User Picture]
Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 11:56
boy, oh, boy, have a little belief in yourself.
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Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 19:53
i try to believe in myself.
sometimes, i even do believe that i can change the world around me.
for a little bit.
but - only sometimes.
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Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 21:13
do you have to change the world?
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Date:9. Augusts 2007 - 21:38
not necessarily, although there are some things i would change for sure, if i could. more important, though, to me seems not to let the world change me in its behalf.
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Date:10. Augusts 2007 - 09:05
the answer is - no, you don't have to change the world.
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Date:10. Augusts 2007 - 10:07
it's not that i'm able to do it, either. but still, in cases when the world, or its inhabitants, prove being brilliant example of an error of creation, such desire is hard to suppress.
[User Picture]
Date:11. Augusts 2007 - 03:01
nevaru nepiekrist.
bet pasaule ir pastaaveejusi jau krietnu laicinju, un nevienam nav izdevies augliigi izmainiit to. paskaties uz staljinu. uz hitleru.
taadi cilveecinji kaa tu un es - muusu iegriba ir mainiit to pavisam tuvo pasauli sev apkaart. kas gan tur ljauns, vai ne. veelamies jau izmainjas tikai uz labo pusi.
tomeer nu man naakas atziit - Pasaulei es neesmu nepiecieshama. taa grieziisies arii bez manis. un cilveeki dziivoja un dziivos bez manis.
i' m not special.
i' m not at all special.
taa ka varbuut vajadzeetu reiz rimties stuukjeet chetrstuurfiguurinjas triisstuuriedobumos.

izklausaas peec dziivot-maaciishanas? sadusmojos pati sevi, saaku skalji domaat un, re, kas sanaaca - atkal meegjinu iestuukjeet chetrstuurfiguurinjas triisstuuriedobumos
[User Picture]
Date:11. Augusts 2007 - 03:10
pasaule ir veca. reizēm liekas, ka tā jau sen ir ieslīgusi pirmsnāves stingumā, taču tai pietiek spīta visiem stāstīt, ka tā ir tikai stagnācija.
pasaule griezīsies arī bez manis, tevis un visiem pārējiem, kurus kopējā teikumā pieminu tikai tādēļ, lai būtu apskatīti visi un uzreiz. pasaulei nav vajadzīgs neviens.
you are special, regardless of what you could say against. and not just because 'everyone is special and unique.'
nepārstāj. figūriņu vēl ir tik ļoti daudz, un pārtraukt nozīmētu sākt izgaist. un to, pavisam vienkārši, tu nedrīksti.

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