: who's that girl? - do you, do you, do you, do you?.

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Jūlijs 30., 2007

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14:13 - do you, do you, do you, do you?.

(3 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:30. Jūlijs 2007 - 16:49
the circle of thoughts. and we are in the middle. the ambiquity sometimes is a refuge, sometimes a weapon, sometimes just a interesting toy. we.
[User Picture]
Date:30. Jūlijs 2007 - 23:29
mēles mežģi :)
[User Picture]
Date:31. Jūlijs 2007 - 02:51
kā gan bez tiem. tie ļauj izgaršot valodu. un, reizēm, pateikt lietas, kas, pateiktas tieši un skaidri, zaudētu daļu no sevis.

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