: who's that girl? - vakara lūgšana

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Aprīlis 5., 2006

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22:28 - vakara lūgšana

(21 with milk | cup of coffee?)


[User Picture]
Date:5. Aprīlis 2006 - 23:04
- And I tried, I really did, you must believe me; but the old fart up there just kept ignoring me, the nerve!
(Es domāju, ka noteikti sapratīs.)
[User Picture]
Date:5. Aprīlis 2006 - 23:09
(gluži vai akmens no sirds novēlās. oh, i'm a dead person.)
Date:5. Aprīlis 2006 - 23:13
(Yup. And I think I just might have to join you there. So. Now that that's out of the way I can dedicate myself to doing something much more enjoyable. And I squee to that.)
[User Picture]
Date:5. Aprīlis 2006 - 23:19
(no, no, no. i'll have to talk about that shit tomorrow. then again - i can take a day off. again. yay! no, no, no. (you know, i have to pretend i really care) (i'm having a big fight with myself here))
Date:5. Aprīlis 2006 - 23:23
(Well, technically I'll have to talk about that tomorrow as well, but, to tell the truth, I can't bring myself to care about that. And I also already thought about taking the day off, but.. well.. (And here we encounter a dilemma.) Right about now it seems as though I'll fall dead(er) if I take that blasted text out of my bag, so I won't do that. Not now at least.)
[User Picture]
Date:5. Aprīlis 2006 - 23:32
(the night is long, right? and it hasn't started yet. so, the least we can do is to wait for the night to start, otherwise i'd call it a disgrace (a big smile) (really big one).)
Date:5. Aprīlis 2006 - 23:34
(Sounds like a mighty fine plan to me, oh yes.)
[User Picture]
Date:5. Aprīlis 2006 - 23:37
(and i just remembered i haven't seen my sweet s&tc friends for ages. oh, goodie, goodie.)

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